Welcome to Fiverrpromtion’s Class IP Checker
Every device that connects to the other device by the internet is assigned an IP address or IP. For the system to locate each one and recognize it separately. Like the internet, each node is assigned a unique IP address. It is commonly known as IP and IP address.
Each IP address is a 32-bit binary address that contains two sub-IP addresses. These sub-IPs identify the network and host of the network. The IP addresses consist of four numbers of ranges 0 to 225. These are separated by the decimal point. For example, 152.68.600.4 is a valid IP
IP Address Classes
There are five types of IP addresses and our main concern of us is Class C
1. Class A
Class A IP addresses have a default mask of, and the first octet (or 8 bits) of the address is used to identify the network, while the remaining three octets (or 24 bits) are used to identify the host. This allows for a maximum of 128 (27) networks and 16,777,214 (224-2) host addresses per network.
2. Class B
IP addresses have a default mask of, and the first two octets (or 16 bits) of the address are used to identify the network, while the remaining two octets (or 16 bits) are used to identify the host. This allows for a maximum of 16,384 (214) networks and 16,384 (214) host addresses per network.
3. Class C
IP addresses have a default mask of, and the first three octets (or 24 bits) of the address are used to identify the network, while the remaining octet (or 8 bits) is used to identify the host. This allows for a maximum of 2,097,152 (221) networks and 254 (28-2) host addresses per network.
4. Class D and Class E
IP addresses are reserved for multicast and experimental uses respectively and not used for general-purpose IP addressing.
What is Class C of IP Address?
Class C type of IP address is a type of IP address that is used for networks with a smaller number of hosts. In class C IP addresses, the first three octets (or 24 bits) are used to identify the network, and the remaining octet (or 8 bits) is used to identify individual hosts on that network. This allows for a maximum of 254 unique host addresses per network. The IP address range for class C IP addresses is from to
How to check Class C using the tool?
You can check the class of your IP address easily using the tool Fiverr promotion platform. No, skills are required to check the class of your IP. Just follow these steps and you will get the results in a matter of seconds. Here are some steps;
- Go to Fiverrpromtion.com and Click on the SEO Tool
- Scroll down and click on the Class C IP checker
- Paste your domain names
- Click on the Submit Button
- Cool, get the results and you can check and analyze them
When you should use this tool?
If you have purchased a hosting service for your website, you will be inquisitive to know that which other websites are sharing the same Class C IP. Because it’s most likely that your website has been assigned this class of IP address and that the address is shared with other websites.
1. What is Class C IP Checker?
Class C IP Checker is a tool that checks the Class C IP address of a given website or domain.
2. What is Class C IP address?
Class C IP address is the third octet in an IP address. It refers to the portion of the IP address that identifies a specific network.
3. Why is Class C IP address important?
Class C IP address is important because it is used by search engines to identify whether a group of websites are owned by the same person or organization. If multiple websites have the same Class C IP address, it could indicate that they are owned by the same entity and may be part of a network of sites.
4. How does Class C IP Checker work?
Class C IP Checker works by analyzing the IP address of a given domain or website and identifying the third octet, which corresponds to the Class C IP address.
5. Is Class C IP Checker free to use?
Yes, many Class C IP Checker tools are available for free online.
6. Can I check multiple domains at once with Class C IP Checker?
Yes, some Class C IP Checker tools allow you to check multiple domains at once, which can be useful for analyzing the ownership of a group of sites.
7. Is Class C IP Checker accurate?
Class C IP Checker tools are generally accurate, but there may be some cases where the tool returns incorrect results due to factors such as shared hosting or dynamic IP addresses.
8. Can I use Class C IP Checker for SEO purposes?
Yes, Class C IP Checker can be a useful tool for SEO purposes, as it can help you identify whether a group of websites are owned by the same entity and may be part of a network of sites.
9. Can I use Class C IP Checker to check my own website’s IP address?
Yes, you can use Class C IP Checker to check your own website’s IP address and see if it shares the same Class C IP address with other sites.
10. Are there any other IP address checkers available?
Yes, there are many other types of IP address checkers available, including Class A and Class B IP checkers, as well as tools for checking the location and hosting provider of a given IP address.