How much you can earn through a data entry gig without any skill

As we all know Fiverr is a freelancing website that can serve as a meeting place for people that have the skill to offer, and people glancing for such people with specific skills. Or we can say Fiverr is a digital marketplace for both kinds of people who want to buy skills or want to sell their skills.

For example, if a person is looking to create a potentially lucrative App, he can come to Fiverr and hire a skilful and qualified App developer to create the App for her/him.

Fiverr was founded in 2010 and now it has become one of the top 400 websites in the world. According to research, Fiverr has a database of more than 3 million gigs, in different categories.

In the start, the maximum price of each service or Gig offered on Fiverr was authorised to cost only $5.  Due to this reason Fiverr got a lot of disdain back then. But Fiverr changed that limitation after some time and today we can see that it has become the world's number one freelancing platform. That was the little overview of Fiverr now we are coming to our main topic.

These days every person wants to earn a lot of money within less time and less effort. Today’s life is faster and different as compared to the past. These days’ people haven’t had time to learn skills. Fiverr is the best platform to earn a lot of money without any skills and a data entry job is one of them. Please don’t go anywhere. I will tell you all the details about data entry and also how you can earn a lot of money through data entry. First of all, I will tell you what the data entry is?

Data Entry

Here we discuss data entry. After reading this article you will get all the answers to these questions. 1. What is data entry? 2. How can we find the job of data entry? 3. How much can we earn through data entry gigs on Fiverr? Let’s start. I will fully try to cover all these questions so that all your confusion is cleared.

1.   What is a Data Entry? Data entry is the inputting of data or information into your computer with the help of input devices, such as a keyboard, scanner, disk, and voice.

Data entry is a job where a worker inputs data or information into a computer from forms or other non-electronic forms of data. After reading this I hope you will understand that data entry is not a specific skill that you have to need to learn.

2.   How can we find data entry jobs on Fiverr? As we all know if we want to earn through Fiverr, we must have not only a Fiverr account but also a Fiverr gig according to our interest. For example, if I have the skill of image editing or video editing then I will make gigs for image editing or video editing, similarly when you know about data entry then you need to make a data entry gig on Fiverr to earn a reasonable income. After reading this a new question may be raised in your mind, what is a gig? Even if not, I would like to tell you what a gig is? Because maybe some of us do not know, what is a gig? Now we start.  What is a Fiverr gig? The service you offer and sell in the marketplace of Fiverr is called a "Gig." Your Gig is a chance to showcase your skills to potential buyers, and to furnish them with all the information they may need before they choose to place an order with you.  If you want to learn more about the Fiverr gig you can tell about it in the comment section. Then I will write a complete article on this topic. Now let's move on to our main topic.

3.       How much can we earn through data entry gigs on Fiverr? There are plenty of data entry jobs available on Fiverr. Data entry is one of the simplest jobs you can do online at home and does not require any special skills. You just have to have a computer or laptop, availability of Internet connection, typing skills, and the capability to pay attention to details. These are very necessary things that are required to do for the data entry job on Fiverr. Now the question is that if all the requirements are completed then how will we find a data entry job on Fiverr? Don’t worry I will tell you

  • How will we find a data entry job on Fiverr? When you complete your gigs then check buyer requests. Through buyer requests, you can easily data entry jobs on Fiverr. Use the Buyer Requests section to increase your chances to get an order. That is a goldmine for new sellers. You can also find jobs to share your gigs on social media. Keep yourself active in Social media groups and post comments on the same topic and the same industry. I think you will understand how to get a data entry job on Fiverr. Now, we continue our main topic that how much we can earn through data entry gigs on Fiverr?

It depends on you. You can work as much as you want and earn as much money as you wish. Many sellers work on Fiverr full time and some hold their 9-5 job while utilising Fiverr to make extra money. According to our research, you can earn $3 to $12 per hour with the help of a data entry job on Fiverr. Then what are you thinking, just go to Fiverr, make your gig, find a data entry job and earn a lot of money without any special skill.


Fiverr is a very good platform to earn money with less effort. Making money on Fiverr is totally up to you. If you have no skill but you are a hardworking person then Fiverr will not disappoint you.  You never need to go anywhere for work, with the help of Fiverr you can work at home. With the help of a data entry job, you can earn 3$ to $12 per hour. If you can work 3 hours daily on Fiverr you can earn $100 to $300 per month.

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Zeshan Abdullah

Asian, Father, Level 2 seller on Fiverr with more than 8 years experience in writing and developing custom solutions. Love to help #NewFreelancers.

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