Fiverr vs. Upwork: Which platform is better for freelancers?

As the world evolves, the traditional 9 to 5 jobs are becoming a thing of the past. With the rise of the gig economy, freelancers can now work remotely and still earn a decent living. According to a recent survey, 36% of the U.S. workforce is made up of freelancers, and this number is expected to rise in the coming years.

One of the benefits of freelancing is the ability to work on multiple projects and platforms. Two of the most popular platforms for freelancers are Fiverr and Upwork. Both platforms offer opportunities for freelancers to connect with clients from all over the world and get paid for their services. However, there are some differences between the two platforms that make them suitable for different types of freelancers.

In this article, we will compare Fiverr and Upwork, and help you decide which platform is better for you.



Fiverr is a freelance platform that was founded in 2010. It offers a marketplace for freelancers to offer their services to clients from all over the world. The platform offers a variety of services, including writing, graphic design, programming, video editing, and more. Freelancers on Fiverr are called "sellers," and clients are called "buyers."

Fiverr is known for its low-priced services, which start at $5. However, sellers can charge higher prices for their services depending on the complexity of the project. Fiverr takes a 20% commission fee from each completed transaction, which is deducted from the seller's earnings.

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Advantages of Fiverr

Easy to get started

Fiverr is easy to use, and getting started is a breeze. All you need to do is create an account, set up your profile, and start offering your services. Fiverr has a user-friendly interface that allows you to manage your orders and communicate with clients.

Wide range of services

Fiverr offers a wide range of services, from writing to graphic design to programming. This means that there is something for everyone on the platform. Whether you're a writer, designer, or developer, you can find clients who need your services on Fiverr.

Low competition

Competition on Fiverr is relatively low compared to other platforms. This means that it's easier for new sellers to get noticed and land their first few clients. Fiverr's algorithm also favors new sellers by giving them a boost in the search results.

No bidding

Unlike Upwork, Fiverr does not require freelancers to bid on projects. Clients can browse through the services offered by freelancers and choose the one that meets their needs. This means that freelancers do not have to spend time bidding on projects, which can be time-consuming and competitive.

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Disadvantages of Fiverr

Low pricing

Fiverr's low pricing can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. While it attracts clients who are on a tight budget, it also means that freelancers have to work on multiple projects to make a decent living. This can lead to burnout and low-quality work.

Limited earning potential

Fiverr's commission fee of 20% can eat into a freelancer's earnings. This means that freelancers have to charge higher prices to make a decent profit. However, this can also limit their earning potential as clients may be more inclined to hire someone with lower prices.

Lack of control

Fiverr has strict guidelines that freelancers must follow, which can limit their creativity and control over their work. Freelancers also have limited control over their pricing, as Fiverr sets the minimum price for each service.

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Upwork is a freelance platform that was founded in year 2015, after a merger between Elance and oDesk. The platform offers a marketplace for freelancers to offer their services to clients from all over the world. The platform offers a wide range of services, including writing, graphic design, programming, accounting, legal services, and more. Freelancers on Upwork are called "freelancers," and clients are called "clients."

Upwork operates on a bidding system, where freelancers submit proposals to clients for projects. The client then chooses the freelancer they want to work with based on their proposal and portfolio. Upwork takes a 20% commission fee from each completed transaction up to the first $500 earned from a client, after which the commission fee reduces to 10%.

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Advantages of Upwork

High earning potential

Upwork offers freelancers the opportunity to earn a decent living from their skills. Freelancers can charge higher prices for their services, and there is no limit to how much they can earn. The bidding system also allows freelancers to negotiate their prices with clients.

Diverse range of clients

Upwork attracts clients from all over the world, which means that freelancers have access to a diverse range of clients. This allows freelancers to work on different projects and expand their portfolio.


Upwork offers freelancers the flexibility to work on their own terms. Freelancers can choose the projects they want to work on and set their own schedules. This allows them to balance their work and personal life.

Control over pricing

Freelancers on Upwork have control over their pricing, which means that they can charge what they believe their services are worth. Freelancers can also negotiate their prices with clients, which allows them to earn more for their work.

Disadvantages of Upwork

High competition

Competition on Upwork is high, which means that it can be difficult for new freelancers to get noticed. The bidding system can also be competitive, as freelancers have to submit proposals that stand out from the rest.


The bidding process on Upwork can be time-consuming, as freelancers have to submit proposals and wait for clients to respond. This can be frustrating for freelancers who are looking for a quick turnaround.


Upwork's commission fee of 20% can be high, especially for freelancers who are just starting out. The commission fee also reduces the freelancer's earning potential, which can be discouraging for some.

Fiverr vs. Upwork: Which platform is better for freelancers?

When it comes to choosing between Fiverr and Upwork, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. Both platforms have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice ultimately depends on the freelancer's needs and preferences.


Fiverr is a good option for freelancers who are just starting out and want to build their portfolio. The low competition and easy-to-use platform make it a great place to get noticed and land their first few clients. Fiverr is also suitable for freelancers who are looking for low-priced services and don't mind working on multiple projects to earn a decent living.

Upwork, on the other hand, is a good option for freelancers who are looking for high earning potential and flexibility. The bidding system allows freelancers to negotiate their prices with clients and earn what they believe their services are worth. Upwork is also suitable for freelancers who are looking for a diverse range of clients and projects to work on.

In conclusion, both Fiverr and Upwork offer opportunities for freelancers to connect with clients and earn a decent living from their skills. It's important for freelancers to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each platform and choose the one that best suits their needs and preferences.

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Zeshan Abdullah

Asian, Father, Level 2 seller on Fiverr with more than 8 years experience in writing and developing custom solutions. Love to help #NewFreelancers.

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