Welcome to the Garments pattern house

Services Offered:
  • Custom clothing patterns
  • Pattern grading and marking
  • Pattern digitization
  • Pattern alterations and adjustments
  • Pattern consultation and advice

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About Us

At the Garments pattern house, we specialize in providing high-quality, accurate and customized clothing patterns for all your garment production needs. With years of experience in the industry, our team of skilled patternmakers is equipped with the knowledge and expertise to bring your design ideas to life.

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Custom Clothing Patterns

Our main service is creating custom clothing patterns. Whether you are a fashion designer, clothing brand, or an individual looking for a unique garment, we can develop patterns based on your specific measurements and design requirements. Our attention to detail ensures that the patterns we create are accurate and result in well-fitting garments.

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Pattern Grading and Marking

We also offer pattern grading and marking services. If you need to resize your patterns to fit different sizes or create a full range of sizes for your clothing line, our team can efficiently grade your patterns. We can also provide comprehensive marking services to ensure precise fabric cutting and efficient fabric utilization.

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Pattern Digitization

Do you have physical patterns that you need digitized? Our pattern digitization service can convert your paper patterns into digital files, making them easier to store, edit, and share with manufacturers. Digital patterns offer flexibility and convenience in the garment production process.

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Pattern Alterations and Adjustments

If you have existing patterns that need alterations or adjustments, our skilled patternmakers can help. We can modify patterns to optimize fit, address design changes, or accommodate specific fabric properties. Our goal is to ensure that your patterns meet your desired specifications.

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Pattern Consultation and Advice

Not sure where to start or need professional guidance in pattern development? We offer pattern consultation and advice services to assist you throughout the entire pattern-making process. From design concept to final garment, our experienced team is here to offer insights and recommendations to achieve the best possible results. Why Choose Us?
  • Experienced patternmakers
  • Attention to detail
  • Customized solutions
  • Quick turnaround time
  • Personalized customer service
Contact us today to discuss your pattern-making needs and let us help you bring your garment ideas to life!Tagged : , , , , Visit Gig

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