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I will design wix website, redesign wix website, wix update, wix revamp clone wix site


I offer comprehensive solutions tailored to your unique needs. Whether you're a burgeoning startup, a seasoned entrepreneur, or an established business, My WIX expertise are here to revamp and update your web site to perfection.


  • Wix Website Design
  • Wix Site Design
  • Full Wix Account Setup
  • Wix Website Redesign
  • Wix Site Design
  • Edit Wix Site
  • Update Wix Site
  • Clone Site on Wix
  • Clone Wix Site
  • Revamp Wix Site
  • Wix Blog
  • Wix Booking
  • Wix Calendar
  • Wix Ecommerce
  • Wix Online Store
  • Wix Site Product Upload
  • Wix SEO
  • Fix Wix Issues
  • Wix Blog creation & posting
  • Fast Wix Site
  • Responsive Wix Site
  • Squarespace to Wix
  • Xd to Wix
  • Figma to Wix
  • Wordpress to Wix

Why Choose my service?

  • Quality Work
  • On-time Delivery
  • Full customer support

Take the first step towards a website that dazzles and delivers results. Your success is just a click away! MESSAGE ME NOW!!!

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I will do professional Wix website design, redesign Wix website

About this gig



I am Micheal, a seasoned and proficient Wix Web'site Designer dedicated to delivering top-notch services tailored to enhance your online presence. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a commitment to functionality, I specialize in crafting visually stunning and user-friendly Wix web'sites. Whether you need a brand new web'site, a redesign, or seamless product uploads, I've got you covered.

What I Offer:

Custom Wix Web'site Design:

  • I create visually appealing, modern, and responsive Wix web'sites tailored to your brand identity.
  • User-friendly navigation and intuitive layouts to ensure a seamless browsing experience for your visitors.

Wix Web'site Redesign:

  • Revitalize your existing Wix web'site with a fresh and contemporary look.
  • Enhance user engagement and conversion rates through strategic de'sign.

Wix Product Uploads:

  • Efficient and accurate product uploads to showcase your offerings professionally.
  • Organized product listings with detailed descriptions, images, and pricing information.

Why Choose Me:

Years of experience in Wix web'site de'sign and management.


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Related Gigs

I will do professional Wix website design, redesign Wix website

About this gig



I am Micheal, a seasoned and proficient Wix Web'site Designer dedicated to delivering top-notch services tailored to enhance your online presence. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a commitment to functionality, I specialize in crafting visually stunning and user-friendly Wix web'sites. Whether you need a brand new web'site, a redesign, or seamless product uploads, I've got you covered.

What I Offer:

Custom Wix Web'site Design:

  • I create visually appealing, modern, and responsive Wix web'sites tailored to your brand identity.
  • User-friendly navigation and intuitive layouts to ensure a seamless browsing experience for your visitors.

Wix Web'site Redesign:

  • Revitalize your existing Wix web'site with a fresh and contemporary look.
  • Enhance user engagement and conversion rates through strategic de'sign.

Wix Product Uploads:

  • Efficient and accurate product uploads to showcase your offerings professionally.
  • Organized product listings with detailed descriptions, images, and pricing information.

Why Choose Me:

Years of experience in Wix web'site de'sign and management.


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I will provide professional Wix website services

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About This Gig

Welcome to my gig! If you need assistance with your Wix website, you've come to the right place. I specialize in offering premium Wix website services for both redesigning and designing new Wix websites.

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What I Offer

  • Wix website redesign: I will give your existing Wix website a fresh and modern look to enhance its visual appeal, user experience, and functionality.
  • Wix website design: If you are starting from scratch, I can create a brand new Wix website tailored to your specific needs and goals.
  • Responsive design: Your website will be fully responsive, ensuring optimal display on all devices, from desktops to smartphones.
  • Page optimization: I will optimize your Wix website's loading speed and overall performance for a seamless browsing experience.
  • Customization: I can customize your Wix website with unique features, plugins, and templates to make it stand out among competitors.
  • SEO integration: I will implement basic SEO elements to help improve your website's visibility in search engine results.
  • Content population: If you provide the content, I will populate your Wix website with engaging and compelling text, images, and media.
  • E-commerce integration: If you need to sell products or services online, I can integrate an e-commerce solution into your Wix website.
  • Domain connection: I can assist you in connecting your own domain to your Wix website for a professional online presence.

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Why Choose Me?

With years of experience working with Wix websites, I understand the platform inside out. I am dedicated to providing exceptional results that align with your vision and goals. Whether you need a simple redesign or a full website design, I am here to bring your ideas to life. Contact me now to discuss your Wix website needs and let's create something amazing together!Tagged : , , , , Visit Gig

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I will Wix website redesign, Wix website design, redesign Wix website, Wix website

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About This Gig

If you have a Wix website that needs a fresh look, you've come to the right place! With my expertise in Wix website redesign and design, I can transform your existing Wix website to give it a more professional and modern appearance. Whether you want to enhance the layout, improve user experience, or make it more visually appealing, I've got you covered.

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What I offer

  • Complete Wix website redesign
  • Customized design to suit your business or brand
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly design
  • Optimized loading speed
  • Integration of additional features and functionalities
  • Enhancement of user interface and user experience
  • SEO optimization for better visibility
  • Migration of content from your current website to the redesigned Wix site
  • Unlimited revisions until you are satisfied

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Why choose me?

With years of experience in Wix website design and a genuine passion for creating visually stunning websites, I am committed to delivering exceptional results. I pay great attention to detail, ensuring that your website not only looks incredible but also functions seamlessly. I believe in effective communication and collaboration with my clients. By understanding your specific needs and goals, I can tailor the redesign process to reflect your unique vision.

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Let's Get Started!

Don't let your outdated Wix website hold you back. Contact me today and let's discuss how I can redesign your Wix website to boost its performance and captivate your audience!Tagged : , , , , Visit Gig

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I will Wix website redesign, Wix website design, redesign Wix website, Wix website

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About This Gig

Are you looking for a professional Wix website designer? Look no further!

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What I Offer

  • Full redesign of your existing Wix website
  • Creation of stunning and modern Wix website designs
  • Implementing responsive design for better mobile experience
  • Customizing templates and themes to match your brand
  • Optimizing your Wix website for search engines (SEO)
  • Adding interactive elements and engaging features

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Why Choose Me

With years of experience in Wix website design and redesign, I understand the importance of a visually appealing and user-friendly website. I take pride in delivering high-quality results that exceed my clients' expectations. By collaborating closely with you, I ensure that your website represents your brand identity and achieves your goals.

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How It Works

  1. Discuss your requirements and goals
  2. Provide recommendations and a detailed proposal
  3. Agree on the scope and timeline of the project
  4. Start designing and implementing your new Wix website
  5. Regularly communicate progress and seek your feedback
  6. Make revisions and finalize the design
  7. Launch your redesigned Wix website

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Let's Get Started

Don't settle for an outdated or generic Wix website. Contact me today and let's discuss how I can help you revamp your online presence with a professional Wix website redesign or design!Tagged : , , , , Visit Gig

Related Gigs

I will design Wix Editor X website, Wix website redesign, Wix redesign

For your business, Do you need a professional website design?

I am an expert in designing and redesigning Wix websites. For your business, I can design a responsive, effective, and most significantly, visually beautiful Wix platform.

My top priority is my clients, thus I make every effort to construct Wix websites that meet their needs.

My Offerings

Creating a Wix website from scratch

Wix editor x design

Wix Redesigns Online Stores

Wix landing page

Adaptable to all types of devices

Online booking system

Wix shops/stores

Wix Adjustment

Wix personalized designs

Why Do You Choose Me?

Delivery on Schedule

Complete Assistance 100% Revision

Effective Communication

I offer as many revisions as needed based on your particular needs until you are completely happy with the job I have done. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.

Inbox me with your requirements and if there is something you would want to explore that isn't on my gig list... MESSAGE ME ALSO...

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Related Gigs

I will Wix website design and redesign

I will Wix website design and redesign

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About this Gig

Welcome to my professional Wix website design and redesign service. Are you looking to revamp your existing Wix website or create a brand new one? Look no further! With my expertise in Wix, I can deliver a stunning website that meets your requirements and exceeds expectations.

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What you'll get:

  • Custom Wix website design or redesign
  • Responsive layout for optimal viewing on all devices
  • Eye-catching visual elements and graphics
  • Integration of your branding and logo
  • User-friendly navigation for seamless browsing
  • Integration of social media platforms
  • Optimization for search engines (SEO)
  • Secure payment gateway integration
  • High-quality and fast loading speed
  • Unlimited revisions until you are satisfied

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Why choose me?

With years of experience in Wix website design, I understand the importance of delivering a website that not only looks great but also drives results. I am a detail-oriented professional who will work closely with you to understand your vision and goals. Your satisfaction is my top priority, and I won't rest until you are completely happy with the final result. Don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions or specific requirements. I am here to turn your Wix website design dreams into reality!Tagged : , , , , Visit Gig

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I will Wix Website Redesign, Wix Website Design, Wix Website Redesign, Wix Redesign

Are you looking to enhance your Wix website? Need a professional touch to make it stand out from your competitors? Look no further!

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What I offer:

  • Full Wix website redesign
  • Custom Wix website design
  • Responsive Wix website development
  • Wix website optimization

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Why choose me:

  • Years of experience in Wix website design and redesign
  • Proficient in utilizing Wix platform features and tools
  • Attention to details and understanding of your requirements
  • Creative and unique designs to make your website visually appealing
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly designs for seamless user experience
  • Timely project delivery and excellent customer support

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How it works:

  1. Discuss your requirements and vision for the website
  2. Create a custom plan and provide you with a quote
  3. Once approved, start working on the redesign or design from scratch
  4. Regular communication and feedback loop throughout the process
  5. Deliver the final design within the agreed timeframe
  6. Provide assistance with launching the redesigned website, if needed
Transform your Wix website into a visually stunning and professional platform that will attract more visitors and convert them into loyal customers. Let's collaborate and take your online presence to new heights!Tagged : , , , , Visit Gig

Related Gigs

I will wix website redesign, wix website design, wix website redesign, wix redesign

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About This Gig

Are you looking to revamp your Wix website? Look no further! With my expertise in Wix website design and redesign, I can provide you with a stunning and professional website that will impress your visitors.

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What I offer

  • Complete Wix website redesign
  • Customized Wix website design
  • Responsive and mobile-friendly layouts
  • Optimized loading speed
  • Integration of social media icons and feeds
  • Enhancement of user experience
  • SEO optimization
  • Secure and reliable setup

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Why choose me

As a professional web designer specialized in Wix, I have extensive experience in creating visually appealing and functional websites. I understand the importance of a user-friendly interface, clean design, and smooth navigation. By choosing me, you can expect:
  • Clear and prompt communication throughout the project
  • Attention to detail in every aspect of the design
  • A collaborative approach to meet your specific requirements
  • A dedication to delivering high-quality results
  • Timely completion of the project
  • Continued support and assistance even after the project is completed

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Let's get started!

Don't let your outdated website hold you back. Contact me now and let's discuss how I can transform your Wix site into a modern and engaging online presence. Take advantage of my expertise in Wix website redesign and design. I'm here to help you succeed!Tagged : , , , , Visit Gig

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