Welcome to my gig!
If you're seeking assistance in crafting your HTML static website, you've come to the right place. With more than three years of dedicated experience in developing various hand-coded static websites for my clients, I have great experience in this field.
I will design and develop static responsive portfolio, business, startups companies, real estate, hotels, and travel agency groups website using HTML, CSS, SASS, BOOTSTRAP, TAILWIND CSS, JAVASCRIPT AND jQUERY.
Promised Services:
- Psd to html
- Fast Loading Static website development.
- Using Html, Css & Bootstrap.
- Mobile Responsive design.
- Responsive portfolio with html, css, js, jQuery , bootstrap.
- Animations, Sliders, Contact Form and More
- Template customization.
- Site speed optimization
- 100% REFUND if the customer is unhappy with my work
- Reasonable Cost
- 24/7 availability
- SEO friendly code
what will you get free?
- Server upload.
- Content upload.
- Seo friendly.
- Free github hosting.
Let's make your dream happen!
If you're confused and don't know what to do, where can start just knock me? Ill do the rest of the work and give you a better and complete solution.
Thank you!
Tagged : bootstrap, bootstrapwebsite, bugfix, build website, buildwebsite, businesswebsite, clonewebsite, copyclonewebsite, copywebsite, CSS, custom website, customization, customwebsite, duplicatewebsite, elementorlanding, elementorwordpress, figmatohtml, frontenddeveloper, HTML, htmlcss, htmltemplate, htmlwebsite, installwordpress, issues, javascript, landing page, landingpage, landingpagedesign, PHP, phpbugfixing, psdtobootstrap, psdtohtml, redesignwebsite, responsive website, responsivewebsite, sketchtohtml, speedoptimization, speedupwordpress, static website, staticwebsite, webdevelopers, WEBSITE, websitecopy, websitedesign, websitedevelopment, websitespeed, wordpress, wordpresscustomize, wordpressdeveloper, wordpressfixes, wordpresslanding, wordpressoptimize, wordpresspagespeed, wordpressspeed, wordpresswebsite, xdtohtml
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