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I will do shopify speed optimization score, shopify speed score

SHOPIFY EXPERT: INCREASE YHOUR SHOPIFY SPEED SCORE AND LOADING TIME TO LESS THAN A SEC! Still lacking engaging visitors and sales due to poor shopify speed and loading time right? Don't worry, it all ends here... As a shopify expert, I will help you skyrocket your shopify store speed snd loading time. How will I do that? Image optimization: by reducing and compressing images without reducing in quality, will can help your store load more quickly Minification of CSS and Javascripts: Minimise and merge JavaScript and CSS files to cut down on HTTP requests Lazy loading: Implementing Lazy loading your images and videos Theme Audit App analysis and Deleting unused apps WHY ME Fast delivery Reduce high bounce rate of visitors What I need: Store access Store linkTagged : , , , Visit Gig

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