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I will write ats federal resume, executive, usajobs, military resume, ksa

Welcome to my service! If you're a federal employee, you know that a successful career requires hard work and careful planning. Also, a competency-driven federal resume that showcases your unique value as aligned with specific opportunities. With my expertise in crafting Professional Federal Resume, Veteran, Executive, and Military Resume for USAJobs and Government positions, I guarantee to showcase your skills, experiences, and qualifications in a manner that captures recruiters' attention. This gig also provides specialized federal resume, executive, and military resume writing services tailored for individuals ranging from GS-5 to the Senior Executive Service (SES), encompassing top-level executives. Career Preparation: A custom-tailored federal resume or SES (for executives) and cover letter that highlights your skills, accomplishments, key qualifications, and experiences. Federal Resume Tailoring to Job Postings LinkedIn Profile Enhancements KSAs Response - (Extra) And Many More... Your federal resume, veteran, military resume, cover letter, LinkedIn, KSAs, MTQs, PTQs, and ECQs are powerful tools to showcase the value you offer to potential employers.Tagged : , , , , , , , , , , , Visit Gig

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I will crafting top tier executive, federal, and usajobs resumes

Greetings from my GIG

Are you trying to find a CV that stands out, attracts employers, and gets you the job of your dreams? There's nowhere else to look! I am a highly qualified and experienced professional resume writer, cover letter writer, and LinkedIn optimization specialist committed to creating executive, federal, and USA job resumes, cover letters, and resumes that highlight your special abilities, accomplishments, and qualities.

Having worked in the field for more than 8 years, I have assisted many customers from all industries and backgrounds in achieving amazing success in their job hunts. In today's competitive employment market, a well-written CV is crucial, and I am dedicated to providing outstanding results that are customized to your unique professional goals.


ATS-friendly résumé that is professional

Unique resume writing skills

A powerful summary that wows the recruiter

Job-targeted keywords

Keywords research

Keywords optimization

LinkedIn optimization


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Dear Valued Buyer!

Welcome to a realm of unparalleled career advancement!

I specialize in crafting Executive Resumes, Federal, SVP, VP, KSA, Veteran, USA jobs, Cover letters, and LinkedIn optimization.


  • Demonstrated Success Record
  • Tailored Excellence
  • Strategic Keyword Optimization


  • Aligned with Audience Expectations
  • Market Distinction
  • Confidence Enhancement


Benefit from unlimited revisions and continuous support to ensure your documents consistently align with your evolving needs and career objectives.

Ready to propel your career to new heights? Contact me today to elevate your prospects in the federal job market and unlock a wealth of opportunities. Let's work together to craft exceptional documents that set you apart and drive you toward your career goals. Don't delay - place your order now and embark on your journey to success!

Tagged : , , , , , , , , , , , , Visit Gig

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I will write federal, executive, government, usajobs, military, veteran, ksa resume

I will write federal, executive, government, usajobs, military, veteran, ksa resume

If you are looking to apply for federal, executive, government, usajobs, military, or veteran positions, having a tailored resume is crucial. With my expertise in crafting resumes specifically for these types of roles, I can help you stand out as a top candidate.

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What I offer:

  • Customized resume writing for federal, executive, government, usajobs, military, and veteran positions
  • In-depth understanding of KSA (Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities) requirements
  • Keyword optimization to pass through applicant tracking systems
  • Professional formatting and layout to make your resume visually appealing
  • Unlimited revisions to ensure your complete satisfaction

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Why choose me?

I have years of experience in writing successful resumes for individuals seeking opportunities in federal, executive, government, usajobs, military, and veteran sectors. I understand the unique requirements of these roles and can help you highlight your qualifications effectively. Don't miss out on the chance to land your dream job in the federal, executive, government, usajobs, military, or veteran field. Let me create a winning resume for you!Tagged : , , , , , , , , , , , , , Visit Gig

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Federal Resume Writing Service

Are you applying for a federal government job? You need a specialized resume that meets all federal guidelines.

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What's included:

  • Customized federal resume tailored to your specific job application
  • Keyword optimization to ensure your resume gets noticed by federal HR specialists
  • Professional formatting following federal resume guidelines
  • Cover letter tailored for federal job applications
Don't miss out on federal job opportunities due to an inadequate resume. Let us help you stand out among the competition.Tagged : , , , , , Visit Gig

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Federal Gig

Welcome to my professional services!   Are you in search of an accomplished career consultant with extensive industry knowledge and expertise in crafting impactful resumes for professionals at various career levels, including federal, government, and executive? Your search ends here!   Cultivating a successful federal career requires a meticulously tailored resume that effectively showcases your expertise, skills, and accomplishments in alignment with specific career paths.   I'm Kenth James a seasoned professional with substantial experience in refining resumes, composing persuasive cover letters, and optimizing LinkedIn profiles. My specialization lies in tailoring documents for a diverse clientele, including those pursuing roles as federal, government, and executive.   Beyond crafting resumes, my services also include creating compelling cover letters and optimizing LinkedIn profiles. Here's what I offer:   Develop an ATS-compliant resume Craft a compelling cover letter Optimize keywords for maximum impact Provide a complimentary resume evaluation Optimize your LinkedIn profile Ensure the timely delivery of high-quality work Are you ready to unlock the potential of your federal resumeTagged : , , , Visit Gig

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I will write federal resume, ksa response for military, veteran, government and usajobs



Are you looking to land a federal government job but struggling to create a resume that stands out? Look no further!

As a Professional Resume Writer, I specialize in crafting high-quality KSAs RESPONSES, AND FEDERAL RESUMES FOR MILITARY, VETERAN, GOVERNMENT USAJOBS, COVER LETTER, AND LINKEDIN PROFILE OPTIMIZATION that are tailored to the specific requirements of federal job postings and get the attention of the hiring manager/recruiters.

With my extensive years of experience, I will help you write a professional FEDERAL RESUME AND KSA RESPONSE FOR USA JOBS, MILITARY, VETERAN, CIVIL SERVICE, CANADIAN, GOVERNMENT, SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE, AND PUBLIC SERVICE JOBS. And I understand the job market and the need to top-rank you in front of recruiters/hiring managers.


  • A dynamic Cover Letter tailored to your desired role
  • Keywords Research
  • Fully optimized LINKEDIN PROFILE to boost online presence
  • Speedy Delivery
  • Unlimited Revisions

What are you waiting for? Message me now to get started immediately.HELLO GREAT BUYER


Are you looking to land a federal government job but struggling to create a resume that stands out? Look no further!

As a Professional Resume Writer, I specialize in crafting high-quality KSAs RESPONSES, AND FEDERAL RESUMES FOR MILITARY, VETERAN, GOVERNMENT USAJOBS, COVER LETTER, AND LINKEDIN PROFILE OPTIMIZATION that are tailored to the specific requirements of federal job postings and get the attention of the hiring manager/recruiters.

With my extensive years of experience, I will help you write a professional FEDERAL RESUME AND KSA RESPONSE FOR USA JOBS, MILITARY, VETERAN, CIVIL SERVICE, CANADIAN, GOVERNMENT, SENIOR EXECUTIVE SERVICE, AND PUBLIC SERVICE JOBS. And I understand the job market and the need to top-rank you in front of recruiters/hiring managers.


  • A dynamic Cover Letter tailored to your desired role
  • Keywords Research
  • Fully optimized LINKEDIN PROFILE to boost online presence
  • Speedy Delivery
  • Unlimited Revisions

What are you waiting for? Message me now to get started immediately.

Tagged : , , , , , , , , , , , , Visit Gig

Related Gigs

I will write federal resume usajobs, executive resume and resume writing

Welcome to my GIG

Are you in search of a standout resume that grabs the attention of employers and opens doors to your dream job? Look no further! I am a highly skilled and experienced professional resume writer, cover letter writer and LinkedIn optimization dedicated to crafting compelling federal resume, usajobs, executive resume, government resume and resume writing that showcase your unique talents, skills, and accomplishments.

With over 8 years of experience in the industry, I have helped numerous clients from various backgrounds and industries achieve remarkable success in their job searches. I understand the importance of a well-written resume in today's competitive job market, and I am committed to delivering exceptional results tailored to your specific career goals.


  • Professional ATS-friendly resume
  • Unique resume writing skills
  • A powerful summary that wows the recruiter
  • Job-targeted keywords
  • Keywords research
  • Keywords optimization
  • LinkedIn optimization


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I will write a federal, KSA response, military, veteran, government and USAJobs resume

I will write a federal, KSA response, military, veteran, government and USAJobs resume

Are you looking for a professional resume writer who specializes in federal, military, veteran, government, and USAJobs resumes? Look no further!

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What I offer:

  • Customized resume tailored to your specific job application
  • Inclusion of keywords and phrases to pass through applicant tracking systems
  • Expertise in writing KSA responses for federal job applications
  • Highlighting your military experience in a way that resonates with civilian employers

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Why choose me?

With years of experience in writing successful resumes for federal, military, veteran, government, and USAJobs applications, I understand the nuances and requirements of these specialized resumes. I will work closely with you to ensure that your resume stands out and showcases your unique qualifications and experiences.

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Ready to apply for your dream job?

Let me help you create a professional resume that will impress hiring managers and land you interviews. Contact me today to get started!Tagged : , , , , , , Visit Gig

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Federal resume

Are you looking to apply for a federal job and need a well-crafted resume that meets all the requirements?

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What I offer:

  • Creation of a professional federal resume tailored to the job announcement
  • In-depth keyword optimization to ensure your resume gets past the ATS
  • Formatting and layout that complies with federal resume requirements

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Why choose me?

With years of experience in crafting federal resumes, I understand what hiring managers are looking for and can help you stand out from the competition. Don't miss out on your dream federal job due to a poorly written resume. Contact me today to get started!Tagged : , , , , , , Visit Gig

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