Welcome to my gig!
With my verse experience in Ispring, Moodle, Talentlms, Lifterlms, Moodle, h5p, Lectora, Blackboard, and other online course platforms, I am the expert you need to handle any task related to setting up of online course platforms!
If you need assistance with your website, membership site, or e-learning platform, look no further. As a highly skilled developer with vast experience in these platforms, I am well-equipped to cater to all your customization, installation, and maintenance requirements. Let me help you bring your digital vision to life!
My gig includes;
Online Course website design
Designing custom Ispring, Moodle, Talentlms, lifterlms, Lectora, Blackboard course templates
Integrating your LMS with your website and other third-party tools
Theme customization
Plugin installation
Custom Payment Gateway
Course bundles
The lesson, Quiz, & Assignment Creation
Badges & Certificates
Membership Forum/Online Community
Student and instructor dashboard
Tagged : elearning moodle lms online course
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