I will social media manager expert setup business page fb meta ads

welcome to my social media manager expert setup Facebook business page fb meta ads campaign

Are you looking to establish a strong online presence for your business on Fb and Meta platforms? Look no further! As an experienced social media manager, I specialize in crafting compelling Business Pages and executing effective Meta Ads campaigns tailored to your unique business goals.

My services include:

  1. ads campaign/ad sets creation
  2. Ad copy️
  3. Research Audience
  4. Ads Management and Optimization
  5. Pixel Setup and Tracking
  6. Competitor Analysis
  7. Setup of Pixel + All event tracking
  8. A/B testing
  9. Precise Re-Targeting & Lookalike Audiences
  10. Highly Keyword research
  11. Dynamic Creative Ads
  12. Page Likes
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