I will setup and manage google ads adwords ppc campaign and optimization

KINDLY PLEASE CONTACT ME BEFORE ORDERING If you are looking for an industry hight profitable to set up Google ads ppc campaign mange and optimization? Then you've come to the right place. Hello, I'm Liton, a dedicated full-time freelancer and digital marketing specialist. With four years of hands-on experience in Google Ads Adwords Google search ads and PPC campaign setup and management, I've consistently showcased a remarkable difference by delivering outstanding results for businesses of all sizes. What sets me apart is my commitment to staying updated with the latest industry trends and Google's best practices, ensuring that your campaigns not only stand out but also remain uniquely positioned ahead of the competition. What I will do for you: Free Google ads account creation and setup most relevant and high-converting Keyword Research Full Competitor Analysis Landing Page Optimization googel ads Conversion Trackingwith GTM Regular Monitoring & Optimization You can get results by working with me: High-Quality ROI & CTR (Click through rate) profitable Google ads PPC campaign first delivery of better results Tagged : , , , , Visit Gig

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