I will search and apply for remote jobs or onsite jobs on your behalf, career change CV

Welcome to my gig!

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What I offer:

  • Comprehensive job search tailored to your preferences
  • Applications submitted for both remote and onsite positions
  • Professional resume and CV for career change

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Why choose me?

With my expertise in job searching and career transitioning, I can assist you in finding the perfect job that aligns with your goals and aspirations. Whether you're targeting remote opportunities or looking to switch industries, I am here to support you throughout the process.

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My process:

  1. Consultation to understand your preferences and career objectives
  2. Thoroughly search job portals and listings for suitable positions
  3. Customize your CV to highlight your transferable skills and experience
  4. Submit well-crafted applications on your behalf

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Let's work together!

Take the next step towards your career goals and let me handle the job search for you. Whether you want the flexibility of remote work or prefer onsite positions, I will make sure to find the best opportunities that match your criteria. Contact me now and let's get started!Tagged : Visit Gig

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