I will reactjs nextjs nodejs firebase css tailwindcss figma react next node js jobs

About this Gig Hi, are you looking for a full-stack developer to minimize your efforts of running behind front-end and back-end develoeprs? Well, here's Bilal at your service. I am a full-stack developer having 4+ years experience in HTML CSS [scss, bootstrap, material ui] JavaScript React.js Next.js Node.js MongoDB Firebase Firestore services I offer: Develop a complete web from scratch API development API integrations App customization html, xd, figma or any other formats to React html, react to Progressive Web App Bug fixing Speed Optimization Social Media Login On-page SEO Optimization Payment Gateway Integration ( PayPal, Stripe, and many more.. ) Why me: Client Satisfaction Guaranteed Transparent Progress Tracking 100% Payment Back Guarantee Clean, Maintainable Code Examples of My Work: https://www.leveluptechstudios.com/ https://dogwalkersadmin.vercel.app/ https://tss-portal.vercel.app/ https://samar-creative.vercel.app/ https://the-degen-diaries.vercel.app/ https://nftmarketplace2023.surge.sh/ https://munnisakare-verior.surge.sh/ https://animated-react-web-app.surge.sh/ https://daimondacademy.web.app/Tagged : Visit Gig

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