I will proofread edit and format fiction and non fiction book ebook writer ghostwriter

Welcome to my gig description. BOOK EDITING | PROOFREADING | LINE EDITING | DEVELOPMENTAL EDITING | FORMATTING | KDP PUBLISHING | EBOOK WRITER | GHOSTWRITER# Are you seeking for an engaging, well formatted ebook that captivates your audience? Look no further! I'm a dedicated eBook writer and editor, I specialize in bringing ideas to life, creating polished manuscripts that resonate with readers across various genres and subjects. I will transform your manuscript into a polished masterpiece with my expert proofreading, formatting, and formatting services tailored for KDP publishing. Whether your work is fiction or non-fiction, I bring a keen eye for detail to ensure your writing shines. My KDP-specific formatting ensures your book meets industry standards, optimizing its appeal. My services are: Book formatting Book formatting Manuscript format Line format Ebook writing Novel proofread Kindly contact me or place your order now. #BOOK FORMATTING | PROOFREADING | LINE EDITING | DEVELOPMENTAL FORMATTING | FORMATTING | KDP PUBLISHING | EBOOK WRITER | GHOSTWRITER#Tagged : , , , , Visit Gig

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