I will help with literary agent query letter book proposal synopsis ebook writer

I can help you get your book in front of the right people and increase your chances of getting published. Are you an aspiring author looking for a literary agent? I can help! As an agented and published author, I know what it takes to craft a successful agent query package. I can review your query letter, proposal, synopsis, and sample pages to make sure they're up to industry standards and showcase the strengths of your novel. As a literary agent, I can offer you a range of services to help you get your book published, including editing, query letters, critique, and submission to publishers. With my experience and connections in the publishing industry, I can help you get your book in front of the right people and increase your chances of getting published. I can also offer you guidance on how to create a strong book proposal, as well as advice on how to market and promote your book once it's published. I'm committed to helping you succeed as an author, and I'll be with you on every step of the way, on your journey to publication. So what are you still waiting for? Let me help you turn your dream of becoming a published author into a reality!Tagged : Visit Gig

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