I will do the data entry work, web scraping, copy paste
Hello. My name is Mahabur Gazi. I a professional data entry expert. I do data entry and this related all work. I have many years experience on this feild. I do all kind of work. I am expert and skilled person. I do this very long time. I do my work punctually. Also I Provide the best service to everyone. I am sure that you never disappoint in my work. Thank you.
data entry
copy paste
web research
excel data entry
virtual assistant
data collection
pdf to excel
web scraping
microsoft excel
data mining
data scraping
Pdf to word
data entry operator
data entry jobs
data entry excel
data input
email addresses
accurate data entry
customer service
data entry word
convert pdf
email collection
excel formulas
word data entry
ms word
web research
typing services
web scraping
data entry work
virtual assistant
Why do hire me?
Delivery of work on time
I am online 24/7
Buyer satisfaction is my main objective
I try to work with 100% accuracy.
Thanking you
Md Mahabur GaziVisit Gig