I will be your best professional fast data entry expert and virtual assistant.

Hi There, Need help with your data entry or Microsoft Excel and Web Research tasks? Look no further! I am Mohammad Osman, and I achieved the top score in Fiverr's skill tests for virtual assistant, English, and Microsoft Excel. I am professional data entry specialist and Microsoft Excel expert with over 6 years of experience. I can help you with a wide range of tasks, including: Fast and accurate data entry from various sources Microsoft Excel data entry, formatting, and analysis Google Spreadsheet data entry Copy and paste work English typing work Excel data formulation Data sorting and merging File conversion (PDF to Word, Word to Excel, PDF to Excel, Image to PDF, Image to Word) Why should you hire me? 100% Data Security Fast Delivery 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Team of Expert Members 100% accuracy I am also skilled in using Pivot Tables, Power Query, and Power BI to analyze and visualize data. I am committed to providing high-quality services at a competitive price. I am also reliable and efficient, and I always meet my deadlines. Order my services today and let me help you save time and be more productive! Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Tagged : , , , , Visit Gig

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