i will be be your shopify and dropshipping mentor,virtual assistant,and boost shopify sale

Hello, I'm AMAYA CAREL, a graphic designer and a digital marketer, with extensive years of experience and hard work. I can scale your business from 0 to 7 figures monthly. my goal is to build my buyer business and see them move forward. TikTok shop is a new tool released by TikTok that allows you to create an e-commerce shop and connect it to your TikTok account so you can start advertising your product on TikTok. You can boost your sales by integrating with all social media platforms. That is why I am here to help you. MY SERVICES TikTok shop set up Tiktok ads Facebook shop Shopify dropshipping Facebook ads Product upload WHY ME; Fast delivery. Quality service. Contact me for more information.Tagged : , , , , Visit Gig

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