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Welcome to my E-commerce Store Customization Studio! I'm a professional specialized in Bigcommerce & Shopify customization with a focus on creating dynamic websites and transforming your e-commerce stores. I've successfully customize E-commerce store with features such as product addition, chat widget integration with promotional activities, welcome emails, & more. My expertise lies in design and customization, particularly on platforms like Shopify, BigCommerce, Woo Commerce, and WordPress. BigCommerce is an excellent online store solution, It integrates into your website, providing a customizable shopping cart tailored to your specific needs. Services Offered: Build BigCommerce Store BigCommerce Shopify Theme Installation/Customization Fix BigCommerce Errors and Issues Setup Payment and Shipping Profiles Setup Contact Form Desktop and Mobile Responsiveness Checkout, Cart Details, and Blog Entries Import/Export, Add, or Modify Product Listings Social Media Integration Desktop & Mobile Responsiveness. Why Hire Me: 100% Customer Satisfaction Effective Communication On-time Delivery/Customer Support. For more details about your project requirements, feel free to contact.Tagged : , , , , , , Visit Gig

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