What You Get Paid for Freelance Writing

The rates for freelance writing can really vary and to be honest it can be a bit overwhelming at the beginning. I recall when I first started the pay was quite inconsistent. One day I would land a project while the next day I would question whether it was worth my time. The truth is there are many factors that influence what you get paid and it's not solely based on the quality of your writing. Let's take a look at the key elements that affect your rates so you can navigate this field more easily.

1. Type of Writing: Not all writing jobs are created equal. Blog posts, technical writing, ghostwriting – each type has its own market rate.

2. Client’s Budget: Clients often have a set budget, and unfortunately, it doesn’t always match your expectations. But hey, sometimes it surprises you.

3. Deadline Pressure: If someone needs a project done yesterday, they’re probably going to pay extra for the rush. Fast turnaround equals more money, but it also equals more stress.

4. Niche Expertise: If you’ve got specialized knowledge, say in finance or health, your rate can shoot up. Writers who know their stuff in a niche tend to earn more.

5. Geographic Location: Where your client is based plays a role. US or UK clients often pay more compared to others, simply due to their market standards.

How Experience Impacts Your Earnings

How Freelance Writers Can Get Paid Every Time Elna Cain

Experience isn't just a term we use to justify charging rates; it truly has an impact. When I began my journey I was offering my services for a price thinking it was the norm. However as I took on more projects I came to recognize my true value. Experience not only enhances your writing skills but also enables you to better understand clients meet deadlines and manage expectations which ultimately leads to higher compensation.

With experience, you:

  • Build a Portfolio: A strong portfolio is like your resume. It shows potential clients you know what you’re doing.
  • Master Time Management: You can take on more projects without feeling overwhelmed, which increases your income.
  • Develop Confidence: You’re less likely to accept low-paying gigs because you know you’ve earned your higher rate.
  • Gain Repeat Clients: Experienced writers often build lasting relationships, which means steady work and higher pay over time.

Keep in mind that it’s not solely about how long you’ve been penning words but rather the richness of your journey and the valuable insights you gain throughout the process.

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Types of Freelance Writing Jobs and Their Pay

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Freelance writing opportunities are diverse and believe me, when I began my journey I was unaware of many of them. The type of writing you pursue can significantly influence your earning potential. Lets explore some of the common categories of freelance writing gigs and the potential pay associated with each one.

Type of Writing Average Pay (per word or project)
Blog Writing $0.05 - $0.20 per word
Technical Writing $50 - $100 per hour
Copywriting $100 - $500 per project
Ghostwriting $0.10 - $1.00 per word
Editing and Proofreading $25 - $75 per hour

As you can observe the compensation can differ significantly based on the type of writing you engage in. While blog articles may not offer substantial pay opportunities such as ghostwriting or technical writing can prove to be more rewarding if you possess the necessary expertise.

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Geographic Location and Its Effect on Freelance Pay

Its interesting to see how geography can impact freelance rates. I recall working with clients from various regions and being taken aback by the pay disparities. For instance a client in the US might offer $100 for a job while someone in India or Southeast Asia could propose half or even less. The location matters not only for you but also for your clients. Lets delve into the reasons behind this phenomenon and explore ways to ensure you receive compensation regardless of your geographical location.

Here’s how location plays a role:

  • Client's Location: Western clients, especially from the US, UK, or Australia, generally offer higher rates due to their local economy and cost of living.
  • Your Location: Writers based in countries with lower costs of living may accept lower rates, which creates an imbalance in the global market. But don’t undersell yourself just because of where you live!
  • Time Zones: If you're able to adjust to different time zones, it can be a huge advantage. Working with international clients can mean better pay.
  • Exchange Rates: Some currencies convert better, which might make a modest payment seem like more depending on your home country. I’ve seen writers make this work to their benefit.

In essence it doesn't matter where you find yourself, you can negotiate a rate if you recognize your worth and seek out clients who value your expertise.

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How to Set Your Rates as a Freelance Writer

Deciding how much to charge can be stressful, particularly if you're new to the game. I used to wrestle with this dilemma always questioning my choices. Should I set my rates and risk losing the client or go too low and feel unappreciated? Over time I discovered a middle ground by taking into account some important factors. Here are insights I've gained from my journey that I hope will assist you in finding your pricing sweet spot as well.

When setting your rates, consider:

  • Your Experience: If you're just starting, it’s okay to charge lower rates to build your portfolio. But as you gain experience, don’t hesitate to increase your fees.
  • Type of Project: Some tasks take more time or require specialized skills, like technical writing or SEO. Charge accordingly.
  • Client’s Budget: Understand your client’s budget, but don't let it dictate your value. I’ve walked away from low-paying offers, and it’s always been worth it.
  • Your Living Expenses: Factor in how much you need to earn to cover your living costs. Freelancing can be unpredictable, so set rates that give you a cushion for leaner times.

In the end, determining your fees is all about recognizing your value and having self assurance. It took me a while to reach that point but once I grasped my worth clients honored my pricing. Listen to your instincts and never accept anything below what you truly deserve.

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Platforms and Marketplaces for Freelance Writers

When I first ventured into freelancing I was completely clueless about how to land clients. I would search for writing gigs on Google and just cross my fingers. Fortunately as time went on I discovered specialized platforms and marketplaces tailored for freelancers which simplified the process significantly. These platforms are truly revolutionary, for newcomers like you who lack an extensive network. Let's explore some of the best platforms available, for freelance writers.

Here are some popular platforms to consider:

  • Fiverr: Ideal for beginners, Fiverr allows you to offer writing services at competitive rates. You can gradually increase your price as you build reviews.
  • Upwork: One of the biggest freelancing platforms out there. It’s competitive, but if you have a good profile, you can land some well-paying gigs.
  • Freelancer: Similar to Upwork, but with a different bidding system. It works well for those who like flexibility in negotiations.
  • ProBlogger Job Board: This is more tailored to serious writers. The gigs here tend to pay better, but they also require more experience.
  • Contently: Contently is great for building your portfolio and finding higher-end clients. It’s not the easiest to get accepted, but once you’re in, it’s worth it.

These platforms can help you connect with clients globally. However keep in mind that while they offer opportunities they will also take a portion of your earnings. So make sure to consider that when setting your rates.

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Tips for Negotiating Better Pay

Talking about salary can be daunting, particularly if you're new to the game. I recall feeling anxious when I had to request a raise for the first time. However here's the catch—if you don't make the request you'll never receive it. Clients, especially those who frequently engage freelancers, anticipate a certain degree of negotiation. It's an inherent part of the process. You simply need to approach it with intelligence and self assurance. Here are some suggestions that have proven effective for me throughout the years.

1. Know Your Value: Before you even start negotiating, you need to understand your worth. How much time and expertise are you bringing to the table? What do other writers in your niche charge?

2. Start with a Higher Offer: When negotiating, it’s common to offer a higher rate than what you're willing to settle for. This gives you room to negotiate down if needed without feeling like you’re undercutting yourself.

3. Justify Your Rates: Be ready to explain why you're asking for a specific amount. Whether it’s your experience, niche expertise, or the project's complexity, a client is more likely to agree if they understand your reasoning.

4. Be Willing to Walk Away: Sometimes, the best way to negotiate is by being willing to walk away. I've had instances where I turned down offers that were too low, only to have the client come back with a better rate.

5. Offer Flexibility: If a client genuinely can’t meet your rate, consider offering a compromise. You could suggest adjusting the scope of work or offering a payment plan if the project is long-term.

Keep in mind that the goal of negotiation is to find a solution that benefits both parties. You have the right to be compensated for your efforts so dont hesitate to request it.

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How much should a beginner freelance writer charge?

If you are just starting out you might consider setting your rate on the lower side but not too low. A decent range would be around $0.03 to $0.10 per word, depending on the content. With time and experience you can gradually raise your rates.

How do I find high-paying freelance writing clients?

Securing clients with paychecks requires some effort but you can kickstart your search on platforms such as Upwork, Contently or ProBlogger. Additionally showcasing a portfolio and expanding your network can open doors to more lucrative opportunities.

What’s the best way to ask for a raise from a client?

When requesting a salary increase make sure to justify your worthiness by highlighting factors such as consistently delivering work taking on additional responsibilities or maintaining a longstanding professional relationship. Its important to support your case with concrete examples.

Do freelance writers get paid per hour or per word?

The pricing structure varies among writers. Some opt for an hourly rate, while others lean towards charging based on the word count or project scope. When it comes to blog posts, articles and content creation charging per word is a practice. On the other hand project based pricing tends to be more common in copywriting or technical writing assignments.


Being a freelancer isn’t just about putting words on a page; it’s also about recognizing your value and skillfully handling negotiations. Through my experiences I’ve come to realize that while expertise matters having the confidence to request what you deserve is equally crucial. Regardless of your stage in the freelance journey always remember to appreciate your time and hard work. With the mindset and strategy you’ll attract clients who recognize their worth as well. The path may be tough but it’s immensely fulfilling if you persevere.

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Zeshan Abdullah

Asian, Father, Level 2 seller on Fiverr with more than 8 years experience in writing and developing custom solutions. Love to help #NewFreelancers.

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