Per Article Earnings for Freelance Writers

Writing for a living is an exciting and unpredictable trip at the same time. Many new writers ask themselves, "What are the possible earnings per article?" The answer is diverse because of variables such as experience, niche selection and subject matter difficulty. It involves more than just content creation; it largely depends on one’s marketing strategies.

Factors That Influence Earnings

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Several important factors can determine how much a freelance writer makes per article:

  • Experience Level: New writers often start with lower rates, while seasoned professionals can command much higher fees.
  • Niche Specialization: Writing for specialized fields, such as technology or healthcare, can lead to higher earnings.
  • Article Length: Longer articles typically fetch higher rates, but they also require more research and time.
  • Client Budget: Understanding a client’s budget can help tailor your pitch effectively.
  • Geographical Location: Writers in countries with a higher cost of living often earn more.

From what I gather when experience is concerned, there lies this right combination of factors that would increase your income greatly. Once there was this moment when I was in doubt about giving an elevated fee for one technology article however my client’s excitement at that moment made me realize how much I was worth. In fact, I took such chances and they never disappointed me at any time.

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Typical Payment Structures for Freelance Writers

There are myriad payment structures that freelance writers may expect. Some of them most popular include:

Payment Structure Description
Per Word Writers are paid based on the number of words in the article, often ranging from ₹0.50 to ₹5.00 per word.
Per Article A flat fee for an entire article, which can vary based on length and complexity.
Hourly Rate Writers charge by the hour, typically ranging from ₹500 to ₹2,000 depending on experience.

For my personal inclinations, I opt for per article as it is uncomplicated but writers go for words and hourly pricing more frequently. It all comes down to matching a format with your individual style of writing and what makes you feel at ease.

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How to Set Your Rates as a Freelance Writer

Setting freelance writing rates may be a tough action. It is like being confident while researching at the same time; I still remember my first pricing quote — I was totally confused. The balance between taking too much or too little seemed like a circus performer’s walk on the rope. In reality, it requires some time, thinking through it and maybe even raising a few eyebrows to find an appropriate price.

These are the ways you can know your prices:

  • Evaluate Your Skills: Reflect on your experience and expertise. What unique insights do you bring to the table? This can help justify your pricing.
  • Research Industry Standards: Check platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and local job boards. Knowing what others in your niche charge can guide you.
  • Consider Your Expenses: Don’t forget to factor in your costs—software, internet, and even taxes. Your rates should cover these and still leave you with profit.
  • Start with a Range: Instead of a fixed price, consider giving clients a range. This allows for negotiation while still valuing your work.

Back in the day, I used to set unreasonably low rates for myself; hence I had never valued my self. One day a customer said my job was great and praised me but added that my prices were too low. From that moment on, I have realized how crucial it is for one to know their worth.

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Strategies to Increase Your Per Article Earnings

Becoming a wealthy freelance writer takes time; it isn’t something you achieve in a flash. It involves clever techniques and constant enhancement of abilities. The following are some of my secrets:

  • Build a Portfolio: Showcase your best work. A strong portfolio not only attracts clients but also justifies higher rates.
  • Network with Other Writers: Join writing groups and attend workshops. Connections can lead to referrals and collaborative opportunities.
  • Diversify Your Services: Consider offering editing, proofreading, or content strategy services in addition to writing. This broadens your client base.
  • Seek Feedback: Constructive criticism can help you improve. Use it to refine your writing and pitch better.

I approached one of my previous clients with a new concept after finishing a writing workshop. The response I got was encouraging and I ended up substantially raising my fee for that assignment. It’s incredible what development can come from leaving your safe zone.

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Common Mistakes Freelance Writers Make with Pricing

When it comes to pricing, there are several pitfalls that many writers encounter and I have certainly experienced some of these. The following are examples of what not to do:

  • Undercharging: Many writers fear pricing themselves out of work. This often leads to burnout and resentment. Remember, your time and skills are valuable.
  • Not Reevaluating Rates: As you gain experience, it’s crucial to revisit and adjust your rates. What worked a year ago may not reflect your current expertise.
  • Avoiding Negotiation: Clients often expect some back-and-forth on pricing. Being open to negotiation can lead to better deals without underselling yourself.
  • Ignoring Client Budgets: Understanding a client’s budget can help you tailor your pitch. It’s about finding a balance where both parties feel satisfied.

Due to my failure to adjust my rates after a year of working together, I once lost an invaluable client. To build long-lasting connections, I learned that it is necessary for me to express how valuable I am.

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Resources for Freelance Writers to Learn More

For one to maintain relevance and become better at their job as a freelance writer, constant education is a must. In the course of time, I have learned several things that really helped me grow in terms of capabilities and know-how concerning what it needs to survive in this line of work. Here’s my compilation which I believe every author ought to take a look at:

  • Online Courses: Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Skillshare offer writing courses ranging from content writing to SEO. I enrolled in a content marketing course that transformed my approach to writing.
  • Writing Communities: Joining groups on Facebook or LinkedIn can provide invaluable support. Sharing experiences with fellow writers can open doors to opportunities and collaboration.
  • Podcasts: Shows like "The Writer Files" and "The Creative Penn" offer insights into the writing world. I often listen while commuting; it’s like having a mentor in my pocket.
  • Books: Some must-reads include "On Writing" by Stephen King and "Bird by Bird" by Anne Lamott. These books not only teach technique but also inspire creativity.

The level of your writing may increase and you will be more self-assured by utilizing them for some time. I used to feel like I am caught in a place with no way out, but after taking one good class and listening to some interesting podcasts on writing, my interest in this field came alive again.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Many novice independent writers possess comparable inquiries. These are among the most frequent questions I have faced:

  • What should I charge as a beginner? Start by researching standard rates in your niche, but don’t undervalue your work. Aim for a range that feels comfortable to you.
  • How do I find clients? Use platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, or even social media. Networking and referrals can also lead to great opportunities.
  • Is it okay to negotiate rates? Absolutely! Negotiation is a normal part of freelance work. Just be clear about your worth and be open to discussions.
  • How can I improve my writing skills? Practice regularly, seek feedback, and invest in courses or workshops. Every piece you write is a step toward improvement.

I have come to realize that by asking questions and getting suggestions from seasoned writers in my voyage, clarity and assurance can come up.


Freelancing writing brings together passionateity with persistence. There are various elements such as determining rates, improving one’s abilities and comprehending the market that make a successful writer. In my experience, continuous learning and networking has opened doors for me to better opportunities. Always embrace challenges, learn from errors made along the way and remember that your voice counts too. With total commitment and relevant materials, it is possible to have an enjoyable career as a freelancer writer. Therefore, make that jump, trust yourself and illuminate your sentences!


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Zeshan Abdullah

Asian, Father, Level 2 seller on Fiverr with more than 8 years experience in writing and developing custom solutions. Love to help #NewFreelancers.

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