Including Freelance Experience on Your Resume and LinkedIn Profile

In the current job landscape having freelance experience isn't merely a side hustle; it serves as proof of your capabilities, versatility and determination. I recall my initial days as a freelancer feeling uncertain about how my freelance work would be viewed. However I eventually came to understand that this background set me apart. It highlights your capacity to handle projects on your own, adhere to timelines and achieve outcomes – all essential qualities in any field.

Freelancing is all about managing clients adjusting to various preferences and thinking on your feet to tackle challenges. These traits are highly regarded by employers. Showcasing your freelance background highlights your initiative flexibility and ability to thrive in fast paced settings. Additionally freelancing allows you to create a portfolio that sets you apart from a crowd of candidates.

How to Highlight Freelance Work on Your Resume

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Showcasing your freelance experience on your resume can make a significant difference. Heres a guide on how to do it well.

  • Create a Separate Section: Label it ‘Freelance Experience’ or ‘Consulting Experience.’ This makes it clear that these are not traditional jobs but valuable professional experiences.
  • Detail Your Roles: Describe your freelance projects in terms of the skills you utilized and the outcomes you achieved. Focus on your contributions and the impact they had. For example, if you increased a client's social media engagement by 30%, mention it.
  • Include Client Testimonials: If possible, add quotes or references from clients. This provides credibility and showcases the trust others have placed in you.

If you follow these suggestions you can make sure that your freelance journey stands out showcasing your accomplishments and talents in an impactful manner.

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Best Practices for Showcasing Freelance Projects

Freelancer Resume Samples and Templates VisualCV

When it comes to showcasing your freelance work it's not enough to simply list your past projects. It's crucial to highlight the impact and value you brought to each one. Here are a few tips to consider.

  • Use a Portfolio: A well-organized portfolio can speak volumes. Include a variety of work samples that showcase your range and expertise. Make sure it’s easy to navigate and highlights your best work.
  • Quantify Your Success: Whenever possible, use numbers to illustrate your achievements. For instance, “Designed a marketing campaign that led to a 50% increase in sales” is more impactful than just “Designed a marketing campaign.”
  • Provide Context: Explain the problem you were solving and the solution you provided. This helps potential clients or employers understand the scope of your work and your approach to problem-solving.

Keep in mind that your freelance work is more than just a checklist of completed tasks. Its a showcase of your skills and work style. Showcasing your projects in a manner that highlights your development and adaptability is key.

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Tailoring Your Resume for Different Job Applications

Each job application is different and your resume should reflect that too. During my job search I discovered that using the resume for every role wasn't very successful. Customizing your resume involves adjusting it to match the job you're applying for making your application more memorable. Here's a guide on how to achieve this:

  • Understand the Job Description: Carefully read the job posting and highlight the skills and experiences the employer values most. For instance, if a job requires project management skills, emphasize your freelance projects where you managed multiple tasks or teams.
  • Customize Your Summary: Your resume summary should reflect the skills and experiences relevant to the job. If you're applying for a marketing role, mention your freelance marketing campaigns and their successes.
  • Match Your Skills: Align your skills section with the job requirements. If the job needs expertise in a particular software or skill that you used in your freelance work, make sure it’s prominently featured.
  • Highlight Relevant Achievements: Focus on the accomplishments from your freelance work that best match the job requirements. For example, if you increased a client’s online engagement, showcase this achievement if the job involves social media management.

Tailoring your resume to fit each job application may feel like an added task but it greatly boosts your odds of impressing a potential employer and securing an interview.

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Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile for Freelance Experience

LinkedIn serves as your online CV and an effective way to highlight your freelance background. I recall the impact of refreshing my LinkedIn profile on the way potential clients and employers viewed me. Here are some tips to enhance your profile.

  • Update Your Headline: Use a headline that clearly states your freelance role and areas of expertise. For instance, “Freelance Graphic Designer Specializing in Brand Identity” gives a clear picture of your skills.
  • Detail Your Freelance Projects: In the ‘Experience’ section, list your freelance work and describe the projects, your role, and the results achieved. This not only highlights your skills but also shows your ability to deliver results.
  • Showcase Your Portfolio: Add links to your portfolio or work samples. This allows viewers to see your work firsthand and helps validate your skills and experience.
  • Request Recommendations: Ask past clients or colleagues to write recommendations. A strong recommendation from someone you've worked with can significantly boost your credibility.

Enhancing your LinkedIn profile can assist you in drawing the opportunities and connecting with industry professionals. Ensure that it genuinely showcases your strengths and experiences.

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Building a Strong LinkedIn Summary

Your LinkedIn summary is an opportunity to share your story and leave a lasting impression. Think of it as a introduction at a networking event. When I created mine I aimed to strike a balance between being interesting and providing valuable information. Here are some tips for crafting a summary.

  • Start with a Hook: Begin with an engaging opening that captures attention. For example, “I’m a passionate freelance writer with over 5 years of experience helping brands tell their stories.”
  • Highlight Your Unique Value: Describe what sets you apart from others. Mention your key skills, achievements, and the impact of your freelance work. For example, “I’ve helped startups increase their online presence by 40% through strategic content writing.”
  • Show Your Personality: Let your personality shine through. Share a bit about what motivates you and what you enjoy about your work. This makes your summary more relatable and memorable.
  • Include a Call to Action: End with a call to action, like inviting potential clients to connect with you or visit your portfolio. For example, “Feel free to connect with me to discuss how I can help your brand grow.”

Crafting a compelling LinkedIn summary requires effort, but it's valuable for leaving a lasting impact and drawing in the right prospects. Ensure that it authentically represents your personality and skills.

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Gathering Recommendations and Endorsements

Back when I was new to freelancing I discovered that having strong recommendations and endorsements on my LinkedIn profile could really impact my career. These testimonials serve as evidence of your abilities and trustworthiness often carrying more weight than any self advertising. Here are some tips on how to collect and display these endorsements effectively,

  • Reach Out to Previous Clients: Politely ask your past clients for recommendations. A personal email or message can make a huge impact. Explain how their recommendation will help you and offer to draft a few points for them to save time.
  • Provide a Draft: Sometimes, people are happy to help but may struggle to find the right words. Offering a draft can make it easier for them. Ensure it highlights your key achievements and skills.
  • Be Specific: When requesting a recommendation, be specific about what you’d like highlighted. This could be a project you worked on together or a particular skill you want to emphasize.
  • Give and Take: Don’t hesitate to write recommendations for others. It often encourages them to reciprocate. Plus, it strengthens your professional relationships.

Gathering insightful suggestions and support can greatly enhance your trustworthiness and help your profile shine. Its not solely about the quantity but the substance of the input that holds real significance.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid

Although showcasing your freelance journey can be fulfilling there are certain traps to watch out for. I too have stumbled in my path and the lessons learned have proven to be priceless. Here are some typical blunders to steer clear of:

  • Overloading Your Resume: Avoid the temptation to include every freelance project you’ve ever worked on. Focus on the most relevant experiences that align with the job you’re applying for.
  • Ignoring Results: Simply listing tasks isn’t enough. Always include the outcomes of your work. For instance, rather than stating “Managed social media accounts,” say “Increased client’s social media engagement by 30%.”
  • Neglecting Tailoring: A one-size-fits-all approach doesn’t work for resumes or LinkedIn profiles. Customize your content to match the specific job or industry you’re targeting.
  • Being Vague: Avoid vague descriptions of your roles and achievements. Be specific about what you did and the impact it had. Clear and detailed descriptions make a stronger impression.

By steering clear of these frequent missteps you'll enhance your ability to showcase your freelance background in a compelling way leaving a lasting impact on prospective employers or clients.

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1. How can I request a recommendation from a client?

Get in touch with them directly through an email or a message on LinkedIn. Be courteous and clear about your request. Additionally you could suggest sharing a draft to simplify the process for them.

2. Should I include all freelance projects on my resume?

Instead of showcasing all your projects, zero in on those that align closely with the position you’re seeking. Emphasize experiences that showcase your abilities and achievements related to the job.

3. How can I make my LinkedIn summary stand out?

Begin with a captivating opening that grabs attention, showcase your distinct talents and background and wrap it up with a compelling invitation to take action. Ensure that your overview captures both your character and professional attributes.

4. What’s the best way to show results from freelance work?

Whenever feasible incorporate measurable metrics. For instance instead of saying "Boosted sales" say "Boosted sales by 20%" or instead of mentioning "Increased social media followers" specify "Increased social media followers by 1,000." Including figures and accomplishments offers tangible proof of your contributions.


Adding your freelance work to your resume and LinkedIn can really enhance your professional image. Through my own experiences, I’ve realized that every project, no matter how minor, reflects your abilities and commitment. When you customize your resume for each job application and enrich your LinkedIn profile with genuine and detailed information you’re not just listing your past roles but also highlighting your distinct value. Securing recommendations and steering clear of pitfalls can boost the attractiveness of your profile. Keep in mind that it’s crucial to showcase your freelance contributions in a manner that emphasizes your strengths and accomplishments. Take pride in your freelance journey and let it shine through in your career documents.

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Zeshan Abdullah

Asian, Father, Level 2 seller on Fiverr with more than 8 years experience in writing and developing custom solutions. Love to help #NewFreelancers.

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