Discover Top Websites Like Fiverr for Freelancers


Freelancing has become a popular career choice for many individuals seeking flexibility and independence in their work. Fiverr has been a go-to platform for freelancers to offer their services, but it’s not the only option available.

There are several other websites like Fiverr that provide excellent opportunities for freelancers to connect with clients and grow their businesses. In this blog post, we will explore some of the top Fiverr alternatives that can help you find freelance work and expand your professional horizons.

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Why Look for Fiverr Alternatives?

10 Freelancing Websites Like Fiverr For Free Hira Fawad

While Fiverr is a popular and well-known platform for freelancers, there are several reasons why you might consider looking for alternatives. Here are some key reasons to explore other freelance websites:

1. Diverse Opportunities

Different platforms offer unique opportunities that might better suit your skills and expertise. By exploring alternatives, you can find niche markets and specialized job postings that may not be available on Fiverr.

2. Competitive Pricing

Fiverr's pricing structure can be limiting for some freelancers. On other platforms, you may find clients willing to pay higher rates for quality work. This can help you increase your earnings and find clients who value your services more.

3. Reduced Competition

Fiverr is a crowded marketplace, which means high competition for gigs. Alternative platforms might have fewer freelancers, giving you a better chance to stand out and secure jobs. This can lead to more consistent work and higher job satisfaction.

4. Better Support and Resources

Some freelance websites offer superior support and resources for freelancers. This includes better dispute resolution processes, helpful guides, and community support. These resources can be invaluable in helping you navigate the freelance world and succeed in your career.

5. Different Fee Structures

Fiverr charges a 20% commission on all earnings, which can add up quickly. Other platforms may have different fee structures that could save you money. For example, some sites charge lower commissions or offer subscription models that could be more cost-effective.

6. Enhanced Portfolio Options

Building a strong portfolio is essential for attracting clients. Some alternatives to Fiverr provide better portfolio features, allowing you to showcase your work more effectively. This can help you attract higher-paying clients and grow your freelance business.

Comparison Table

Platform Commission Rate Special Features
Upwork 10-20% Long-term contracts, skill tests
Freelancer 10% Contests, project tracking
Toptal Varies High-end clients, rigorous screening
Guru 9% Workroom, SafePay
PeoplePerHour 15% Hourly rates, proposals

By considering these factors and exploring Fiverr alternatives, you can find platforms that better match your needs and help you achieve your freelancing goals. Diversifying your sources of freelance work can lead to more opportunities, higher earnings, and a more fulfilling career.

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Top Websites Like Fiverr for Freelancers

12 Websites Like Fiverr for New Freelancers in 2020

If you're looking to expand your freelancing opportunities beyond Fiverr, there are several other platforms that cater to a wide range of skills and professions. Here are some of the top websites like Fiverr for freelancers:

1. Upwork

Upwork is one of the largest freelancing platforms, offering a vast array of job categories, from web development to writing and graphic design. Upwork connects freelancers with clients seeking both short-term projects and long-term contracts.

  • Commission Rate: 10-20%
  • Special Features: Skill tests, long-term contracts, time tracking

2. Freelancer

Freelancer allows freelancers to bid on projects posted by clients. It supports various types of work, including programming, design, writing, and marketing. The platform also features contests where freelancers can compete to showcase their skills and win jobs.

  • Commission Rate: 10%
  • Special Features: Contests, project tracking, milestone payments

3. Toptal

Toptal is known for connecting clients with the top 3% of freelance talent. It caters to experienced professionals in software development, design, and finance. Toptal’s rigorous screening process ensures high-quality freelancers and high-end clients.

  • Commission Rate: Varies
  • Special Features: Rigorous screening, high-end clients, dedicated support

4. Guru

Guru offers a secure and flexible platform for freelancers to find work. It features a “Workroom” where freelancers can manage their projects and communicate with clients. Guru also offers SafePay, a secure payment system to ensure freelancers get paid on time.

  • Commission Rate: 9%
  • Special Features: Workroom, SafePay, flexible payment options

5. PeoplePerHour

PeoplePerHour specializes in connecting clients with freelancers for hourly or fixed-price projects. The platform supports a wide range of categories, including design, development, content writing, and marketing.

  • Commission Rate: 15%
  • Special Features: Hourly rates, proposal system, easy invoicing

6. SimplyHired

SimplyHired is a job search engine that aggregates freelance opportunities from various sources. It’s a great tool for freelancers to find jobs across multiple platforms and industries.

  • Commission Rate: N/A
  • Special Features: Aggregates job listings, wide range of categories, location-based search

Comparison Table

Platform Commission Rate Special Features
Upwork 10-20% Skill tests, long-term contracts, time tracking
Freelancer 10% Contests, project tracking, milestone payments
Toptal Varies Rigorous screening, high-end clients, dedicated support
Guru 9% Workroom, SafePay, flexible payment options
PeoplePerHour 15% Hourly rates, proposal system, easy invoicing
SimplyHired N/A Aggregates job listings, wide range of categories, location-based search

Exploring these platforms can help you find new opportunities, diversify your income streams, and grow your freelancing career. Each platform offers unique features and advantages, so consider your specific needs and preferences when choosing where to offer your services.

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1. Upwork

Upwork is one of the most popular freelancing platforms, providing a wide range of job opportunities for freelancers across various fields. Whether you are a web developer, writer, graphic designer, or marketer, Upwork offers numerous projects to match your skills.

Key Features of Upwork

  • Job Variety: Upwork has a diverse range of job categories including IT & Networking, Writing, Design & Creative, Customer Service, and more.
  • Long-term Contracts: Besides short-term projects, Upwork also supports long-term contracts, allowing freelancers to build lasting relationships with clients.
  • Time Tracking: The Upwork desktop app includes a time tracker to record the hours worked on hourly projects, ensuring accurate billing.
  • Skill Tests: Upwork offers various skill tests that freelancers can take to demonstrate their expertise and enhance their profiles.
  • Payment Protection: Upwork provides payment protection for both hourly and fixed-price projects, ensuring that freelancers get paid for their work.

Commission Structure

Upwork has a tiered commission structure based on the freelancer's lifetime billings with a client:

  • 20% for the first $500 billed with a client
  • 10% for total billings between $500.01 and $10,000
  • 5% for total billings exceeding $10,000

Pros and Cons of Upwork

Pros Cons
  • Wide range of job categories
  • Opportunities for both short-term and long-term projects
  • Secure payment methods
  • Option to take skill tests to enhance profile
  • High competition for jobs
  • Service fees can be high, especially for new freelancers
  • Strict verification and approval process for new accounts
  • Clients can sometimes undervalue work and offer low rates

Getting Started on Upwork

To start freelancing on Upwork, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Account: Sign up on Upwork and complete your profile with details about your skills, experience, and portfolio.
  2. Submit Proposals: Browse available jobs and submit tailored proposals to clients, showcasing how you can meet their needs.
  3. Complete Contracts: Once you secure a job, complete the work as per the agreed terms and ensure timely communication with the client.
  4. Get Paid: Use Upwork's secure payment system to receive payments for your work. For hourly projects, use the Upwork time tracker to log your hours.

Upwork is a versatile platform that can provide a steady stream of freelance work if you are willing to invest time and effort into building your profile and reputation.

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2. Freelancer

Freelancer is a global freelancing and crowdsourcing platform that connects freelancers with clients looking for services in various fields such as programming, writing, design, and marketing. With millions of users and numerous job postings, Freelancer offers ample opportunities for freelancers to find work that matches their skills.

Key Features of Freelancer

  • Project Bidding: Freelancers can bid on projects posted by clients, outlining their skills, experience, and proposed rates.
  • Contests: Clients can host contests for their projects, allowing freelancers to submit entries and compete for the job. This is a great way to showcase skills and win work.
  • Milestone Payments: Freelancer's milestone payment system ensures that freelancers receive payments at various stages of the project, providing financial security.
  • Time Tracking: The Freelancer desktop app includes a time tracker to log hours worked on hourly projects, ensuring accurate billing and transparency.
  • Project Management Tools: Freelancer offers tools to manage projects, communicate with clients, and track progress, making it easier to stay organized.

Commission Structure

Freelancer charges a commission based on the project type:

  • 10% or $5 (whichever is greater) for fixed-price projects
  • 10% for hourly projects
  • 20% for services offered through the "Freelancer Service" feature

Pros and Cons of Freelancer

Pros Cons
  • Wide range of job categories
  • Option to participate in contests
  • Secure milestone payment system
  • Robust project management tools
  • High competition for projects
  • Service fees can be high, especially for services
  • Potential for clients to offer low rates
  • Complex bidding process

Getting Started on Freelancer

To start freelancing on Freelancer, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Account: Sign up on Freelancer and complete your profile with details about your skills, experience, and portfolio.
  2. Bid on Projects: Browse available projects and submit bids, highlighting your qualifications and proposed rates.
  3. Enter Contests: Participate in contests to showcase your skills and potentially win projects.
  4. Manage Projects: Use Freelancer's project management tools to communicate with clients, track progress, and ensure timely completion of work.
  5. Get Paid: Use Freelancer's milestone payment system to receive payments for your work. Ensure all milestones are met and approved by the client.

Freelancer offers a variety of opportunities for freelancers to find work and grow their careers. By leveraging the platform's features and tools, you can effectively manage projects and secure a steady stream of income.

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3. Toptal

Toptal is a premier freelancing platform that connects clients with the top 3% of freelance talent worldwide. It caters to highly skilled professionals in fields such as software development, design, and finance. Due to its rigorous screening process, Toptal ensures that only the best freelancers are accepted, making it a preferred choice for high-profile clients and projects.

Key Features of Toptal

  • Rigorous Screening Process: Toptal's extensive vetting process includes multiple stages of assessments, ensuring that only the top 3% of applicants are accepted. This guarantees a high standard of quality for clients.
  • High-End Clients: Toptal attracts high-profile clients, including major corporations and startups, offering freelancers the opportunity to work on prestigious projects.
  • Dedicated Support: Toptal provides personalized support to both freelancers and clients, helping to ensure successful project outcomes and strong professional relationships.
  • Community and Resources: Toptal offers a strong community of top freelancers, providing opportunities for networking, collaboration, and professional growth.
  • Flexible Engagements: Freelancers can work on hourly, part-time, or full-time projects, depending on their availability and client needs.

Commission Structure

Toptal does not publicly disclose its commission rates, as they can vary based on the project and the agreement between the freelancer and the client. However, Toptal typically charges a premium for its services due to the high quality of talent and the level of support provided.

Pros and Cons of Toptal

Pros Cons
  • Access to high-profile and well-paying clients
  • Rigorous vetting process ensures high-quality projects
  • Strong community and support network
  • Flexible working arrangements
  • Extremely competitive and difficult to get accepted
  • Limited to highly skilled professionals
  • Commission rates are not transparent
  • Fewer job postings compared to larger platforms

Getting Started on Toptal

To join Toptal as a freelancer, follow these steps:

  1. Application: Submit an application detailing your skills, experience, and portfolio. Prepare for a rigorous screening process.
  2. Screening: Participate in multiple stages of assessments, including language and personality tests, in-depth skill reviews, and live screenings.
  3. Project Matching: Once accepted, Toptal will match you with suitable projects based on your skills and availability. Communicate with clients to discuss project details and expectations.
  4. Work and Get Paid: Complete projects to the client's satisfaction and use Toptal’s platform to manage work and payments. Benefit from Toptal's support and resources to ensure successful project completion.

Toptal is ideal for highly skilled professionals seeking to work with top-tier clients and on prestigious projects. The platform's rigorous screening process ensures high-quality opportunities and professional growth.

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4. Guru

Guru is a versatile freelancing platform that connects freelancers with clients for a wide range of projects. It offers a user-friendly interface and various tools to manage work efficiently, making it a popular choice for freelancers across different industries. Guru provides options for both short-term and long-term engagements, catering to various professional needs.

Key Features of Guru

  • Workroom: Guru’s Workroom is a centralized space where freelancers and clients can collaborate, share files, and communicate effectively throughout the project.
  • SafePay: Guru's SafePay system provides secure payment protection, ensuring that freelancers are paid for their work and clients are protected from incomplete or unsatisfactory work.
  • Flexible Payment Options: Freelancers can choose from various payment options including hourly, fixed-price, or milestone payments, giving them flexibility in how they are compensated.
  • Detailed Profiles: Freelancers can create detailed profiles showcasing their skills, experience, and portfolio, helping them attract potential clients more effectively.
  • Job Matching: Guru offers a job matching feature that helps freelancers find projects that match their skills and expertise, streamlining the job search process.

Commission Structure

Guru’s commission rates are based on the freelancer’s membership level and the type of payment arrangement:

  • Basic Membership: 9% commission on all earnings
  • Premium Membership: 6% commission on all earnings
  • Enterprise Membership: 4% commission on all earnings

Pros and Cons of Guru

Pros Cons
  • Comprehensive project management tools
  • Secure payment protection through SafePay
  • Flexible payment options
  • Detailed freelancer profiles for better client attraction
  • Higher commission rates for basic membership
  • Competition from other freelancers for the same jobs
  • Membership fees for higher-tier accounts
  • Some users report issues with the platform’s interface

Getting Started on Guru

To start freelancing on Guru, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Account: Sign up on Guru and set up your profile with details about your skills, experience, and portfolio.
  2. Find Jobs: Browse available projects and submit proposals to clients. Highlight your relevant experience and skills in your proposals.
  3. Collaborate: Use the Workroom to manage projects, communicate with clients, and share files. Ensure clear and timely communication to meet project expectations.
  4. Get Paid: Choose your preferred payment arrangement (hourly, fixed-price, or milestone) and use SafePay to ensure secure and timely payments.

Guru provides a flexible and secure platform for freelancers looking to manage projects and interact with clients effectively. Its features and tools can help you build a successful freelancing career.

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5. PeoplePerHour

PeoplePerHour is a UK-based freelancing platform that connects freelancers with clients for various projects, ranging from simple tasks to complex assignments. It specializes in providing opportunities for professionals in fields such as design, development, writing, and marketing. PeoplePerHour is known for its focus on hourly work and project-based engagements.

Key Features of PeoplePerHour

  • Hourly and Fixed-Price Projects: Freelancers can find both hourly and fixed-price projects, offering flexibility in how they choose to work and get paid.
  • Proposal System: Freelancers can submit proposals for posted jobs, outlining their skills, experience, and rates. This system allows for direct competition and negotiation with clients.
  • Easy Invoicing: The platform provides tools for easy invoicing and payment management, making it straightforward for freelancers to get paid for their work.
  • Job Categories: PeoplePerHour supports a wide range of job categories, including Web Development, SEO, Content Writing, and Graphic Design.
  • Client Reviews: Clients can leave reviews and ratings, helping freelancers build a reputation and attract more business.

Commission Structure

PeoplePerHour charges a commission based on the freelancer's earnings with a client:

  • 20%: On the first £250 billed to a client
  • 7.5%: On billings between £250.01 and £5,000
  • 3.5%: On billings over £5,000

Pros and Cons of PeoplePerHour

Pros Cons
  • Variety of project types including hourly and fixed-price
  • Effective proposal system for job competition
  • Easy invoicing and payment management
  • Wide range of job categories
  • High commission rates for lower earnings
  • Competition for jobs can be intense
  • Fees can be relatively high for lower-value projects
  • Platform may have fewer job postings compared to larger sites

Getting Started on PeoplePerHour

To start freelancing on PeoplePerHour, follow these steps:

  1. Create an Account: Sign up on PeoplePerHour and complete your profile with details about your skills, experience, and portfolio.
  2. Submit Proposals: Browse available projects and submit proposals to clients. Tailor your proposals to highlight how you can meet their needs and what you offer.
  3. Manage Projects: Use the platform’s tools to manage your projects, communicate with clients, and ensure timely delivery of work.
  4. Handle Payments: Use PeoplePerHour’s invoicing system to bill clients and manage payments. Ensure all payments are processed according to the agreed terms.

PeoplePerHour offers a flexible and user-friendly platform for freelancers to find work and manage projects efficiently. Its features cater to both hourly and fixed-price work, making it a versatile choice for professionals.

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6. SimplyHired

SimplyHired is a job search engine that aggregates job listings from various sources, including company websites, job boards, and other online platforms. While it is primarily known for its job search capabilities, SimplyHired also offers opportunities for freelancers across different industries. The platform provides a comprehensive search experience, making it easier for freelancers to find relevant job postings.

Key Features of SimplyHired

  • Job Aggregation: SimplyHired pulls job listings from multiple sources, providing a wide range of opportunities in various fields such as technology, marketing, and design.
  • Advanced Search Filters: The platform offers advanced search filters, including job type, location, salary range, and experience level, allowing freelancers to narrow down their job search effectively.
  • Salary Information: SimplyHired provides salary estimates and information based on job titles and locations, helping freelancers make informed decisions about potential opportunities.
  • Company Reviews: Freelancers can access company reviews and ratings, offering insights into the work environment and company culture before applying for a job.
  • Job Alerts: SimplyHired allows users to set up job alerts based on their preferences, ensuring they are notified of new job postings that match their criteria.

Commission Structure

SimplyHired does not have a commission structure for freelancers as it primarily functions as a job search engine rather than a freelancing platform. Freelancers are directed to the employers or job boards where they can apply for positions directly.

Pros and Cons of SimplyHired

Pros Cons
  • Wide range of job listings from various sources
  • Advanced search filters to refine job searches
  • Access to salary estimates and company reviews
  • Job alerts to stay updated on new opportunities
  • Not specifically tailored for freelancers
  • Job listings may include outdated or expired postings
  • Does not offer direct project management or payment features
  • Freelancers may need to apply through external job boards or company websites

Getting Started on SimplyHired

To use SimplyHired for finding freelance opportunities, follow these steps:

  1. Visit SimplyHired: Go to the SimplyHired website and use the search bar to enter keywords related to the freelance work you are looking for.
  2. Apply Filters: Use the advanced search filters to narrow down job listings by location, job type, and other criteria relevant to your preferences.
  3. Review Listings: Browse through the job listings, read the descriptions, and check salary information and company reviews.
  4. Set Up Alerts: Create job alerts to receive notifications about new opportunities that match your search criteria.
  5. Apply for Jobs: Follow the application instructions provided in the job listings, applying directly through the employer’s website or job board as directed.

SimplyHired is a useful tool for freelancers seeking job opportunities across various sources. While it does not offer direct freelancing services, its comprehensive job search capabilities can help you find suitable positions effectively.

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What is the best freelancing platform for beginners?

For beginners, platforms like Fiverr and Upwork are often recommended. They offer a wide range of projects and have user-friendly interfaces that are ideal for those just starting out in freelancing.

How do I choose the right freelancing platform for my skills?

To choose the right platform, consider the following factors:

  • Type of Work: Choose a platform that aligns with your skills and the type of work you want to do. For example, Toptal is great for high-end professionals, while PeoplePerHour offers a range of hourly and project-based work.
  • Client Base: Look at the types of clients that use the platform. Platforms like Guru and Freelancer cater to various industries and job types.
  • Fees and Commission: Check the platform's fee structure to ensure it fits your budget. Some platforms charge higher commissions but offer additional features and support.
  • Reputation and Reviews: Research the platform’s reputation and read reviews from other freelancers to understand their experiences and the platform's reliability.

Are there any platforms that specialize in specific industries?

Yes, several platforms specialize in specific industries:

  • Toptal: Focuses on high-end professionals in software development, design, and finance.
  • SimplyHired: Aggregates job listings from various sources, including industry-specific job boards.
  • PeoplePerHour: Provides opportunities in a range of fields, including design, development, and marketing.

Can I use multiple freelancing platforms simultaneously?

Yes, many freelancers use multiple platforms to maximize their opportunities. Just be sure to manage your time effectively and keep track of your commitments across different platforms.

How can I improve my chances of getting hired on these platforms?

To improve your chances:

  • Complete Your Profile: Make sure your profile is complete and highlights your skills, experience, and portfolio.
  • Submit High-Quality Proposals: Tailor your proposals to each job, showcasing how your skills match the project requirements.
  • Gather Reviews: Accumulate positive reviews from clients to build your reputation and attract more work.
  • Be Responsive: Respond quickly to client inquiries and messages to demonstrate professionalism and reliability.


Exploring alternatives to Fiverr can open up new opportunities for freelancers seeking diverse projects and better compensation. Each platform offers unique features, benefits, and challenges, catering to different types of freelance work and professional needs. Whether you're just starting out or looking to expand your freelancing career, understanding the strengths and limitations of various platforms can help you make an informed decision.

Here’s a brief summary of the platforms discussed:

  • Upwork: A widely-used platform with diverse job categories and robust project management tools, ideal for freelancers seeking both short-term and long-term projects.
  • Freelancer: Known for its extensive project listings and contest feature, making it a great choice for freelancers looking to showcase their skills and compete for projects.
  • Toptal: Focuses on connecting clients with the top 3% of freelance talent, offering high-end opportunities for experienced professionals.
  • Guru: Provides a comprehensive project management system and flexible payment options, suitable for freelancers looking for various types of work.
  • PeoplePerHour: Specializes in both hourly and fixed-price projects, with features that facilitate easy invoicing and job search across different categories.
  • SimplyHired: A job search engine that aggregates listings from multiple sources, providing a broad range of opportunities and salary information.

Choosing the right freelancing platform depends on your specific needs, skills, and career goals. Consider factors such as the type of work you want, the platform’s fee structure, and the type of clients you wish to attract. By leveraging these platforms effectively, you can enhance your freelancing career and access a wider array of opportunities.

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Zeshan Abdullah

Asian, Father, Level 2 seller on Fiverr with more than 8 years experience in writing and developing custom solutions. Love to help #NewFreelancers.

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