A Step-by-Step Guide on Operating 2 Fiverr Accounts from 1 PC


In today’s gig economy, managing multiple Fiverr accounts can offer significant advantages, such as targeting different markets or managing distinct services. However, juggling two accounts from a single PC requires careful planning and understanding of Fiverr’s policies.

This guide provides a comprehensive, step-by-step approach to operating two Fiverr accounts from one computer, ensuring you stay compliant and efficient in your freelancing efforts.

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Why You Might Need Two Fiverr Accounts

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Managing two Fiverr accounts can be beneficial for various reasons. Below are some scenarios where having a second Fiverr account might be advantageous:

  • Specialized Services: If you offer different types of services that cater to distinct markets, having separate accounts allows you to tailor each profile to a specific audience. For example, a graphic designer might have one account for logo design and another for web design, each with its own set of gigs and portfolio.
  • Targeting Different Demographics: Running separate accounts can help you target different demographics or industries more effectively. By customizing each account’s profile and gig descriptions to meet the needs of varied customer bases, you can enhance your visibility and appeal.
  • Maintaining Professionalism: For freelancers who work under different brands or names, maintaining separate Fiverr accounts can help in keeping professional identities distinct. This can be crucial for building brand reputation and managing client expectations.
  • Experimenting with Pricing and Offers: A second account allows you to test different pricing strategies, promotions, and gig packages without affecting the performance of your primary account. This can be useful for finding the most effective approach for your services.
  • Managing Different Workloads: If you have multiple streams of income or freelance projects, having two accounts can help you manage these more efficiently. This separation ensures that the workload from one account doesn’t interfere with the other.

Here is a summary table of the benefits of having two Fiverr accounts:

Benefit Description
Specialized Services Tailor profiles to specific services and audiences.
Targeting Different Demographics Customize accounts for varied customer bases.
Maintaining Professionalism Keep different brands or professional identities separate.
Experimenting with Pricing Test different strategies without affecting your main account.
Managing Different Workloads Efficiently handle multiple streams of income or projects.

While managing two Fiverr accounts can offer these advantages, it’s important to ensure that you adhere to Fiverr’s terms of service and avoid any actions that could be seen as deceptive or manipulative. Proper management and compliance will help you make the most of having multiple accounts.

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Understanding Fiverr's Policies on Multiple Accounts

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Fiverr has specific guidelines regarding the use of multiple accounts. Understanding and adhering to these policies is crucial to avoid any violations that could lead to account suspension or other penalties. Here’s a detailed look at Fiverr’s policies on managing multiple accounts:

  • One Account Per Person: Fiverr’s policy generally allows only one account per individual. This is to ensure that all users are identifiable and to prevent fraud or abuse. Each user is expected to use only one account for their personal or professional use.
  • Business Accounts: If you need to manage multiple services or brands, Fiverr allows for the creation of a business account or team account. These are designed for businesses that need to manage several sellers or service categories from a single entity, but they must be properly registered and verified.
  • Account Linking: Fiverr requires that all accounts associated with the same person or business be disclosed. If you operate multiple accounts, you must link them or notify Fiverr’s support team. Failure to do so might be considered an attempt to manipulate the platform.
  • Violation of Terms: Creating multiple accounts to bypass Fiverr’s rules or engage in deceptive practices is prohibited. This includes using multiple accounts to artificially inflate ratings, reviews, or to gain an unfair advantage over other sellers.
  • Account Merging: If you have multiple accounts and wish to consolidate them, Fiverr allows for account merging under certain circumstances. You need to contact Fiverr support to initiate this process and provide justification for the merge.

Here is a summary table of Fiverr's policies on multiple accounts:

Policy Description
One Account Per Person Only one account is allowed per individual to prevent fraud.
Business Accounts Business or team accounts can be created for managing multiple services or brands.
Account Linking All accounts associated with the same person or business must be disclosed.
Violation of Terms Using multiple accounts to bypass rules or manipulate the system is prohibited.
Account Merging Accounts can be merged with Fiverr’s support if needed.

To ensure compliance with Fiverr’s policies, regularly review the Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. Always use the platform ethically and transparently to avoid any issues with account management.

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Setting Up a Second Fiverr Account

Setting up a second Fiverr account involves several key steps to ensure you comply with Fiverr’s guidelines and effectively manage both accounts. Follow these steps to create and configure your second account:

  • Evaluate the Need for a Second Account: Before creating a second account, ensure you have a valid reason. Typical reasons might include managing different service types or targeting different customer segments. Ensure that operating multiple accounts aligns with Fiverr’s policies.
  • Create a New Email Address: Fiverr requires a unique email address for each account. Set up a new email account through services like Gmail, Yahoo, or Outlook to use for your second Fiverr account.
  • Register for a New Fiverr Account: Visit Fiverr’s website and sign up using your new email address. Follow the registration process to create your new account. Be sure to provide accurate information and complete all required fields.
  • Verify Your New Account: Fiverr will send a verification email to your new email address. Click the verification link in the email to activate your account. This step is crucial for ensuring that your account is fully operational.
  • Complete Your Profile: Fill in your profile details, including a professional profile picture, a compelling description, and relevant skills. Customize your profile to reflect the specific services or market focus of this second account.
  • Set Up Your Gigs: Create and publish gigs for the services you plan to offer. Ensure that each gig is tailored to your target audience and includes clear descriptions, pricing, and delivery times.
  • Manage Both Accounts: Use separate browsers or browser profiles to log in to each Fiverr account. This helps to avoid confusion and reduces the risk of accidentally mixing up accounts. Many modern browsers, like Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, offer the option to create multiple profiles.

Here is a summary table of the steps to set up a second Fiverr account:

Step Description
Evaluate the Need Ensure there is a valid reason for a second account.
Create a New Email Set up a unique email address for the new account.
Register on Fiverr Sign up with the new email and complete the registration process.
Verify Your Account Activate your account by verifying the email address.
Complete Your Profile Fill in details to create a professional profile.
Set Up Your Gigs Create and publish tailored gigs for your new account.
Manage Accounts Use separate browsers or profiles to manage each account.

By following these steps, you can efficiently set up and manage a second Fiverr account, allowing you to expand your freelancing opportunities while staying compliant with Fiverr’s rules.

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Using Different Browsers or Profiles for Multiple Accounts

To effectively manage multiple Fiverr accounts from a single PC, using different browsers or browser profiles is highly recommended. This approach helps avoid conflicts between accounts and ensures that you can easily switch between them. Here’s a detailed guide on how to use different browsers or profiles for managing multiple Fiverr accounts:

  • Using Different Browsers: Each browser keeps its own set of cookies, cache, and login sessions. By using different browsers, you can keep each Fiverr account independent. Popular browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Safari can all be used for this purpose. Here’s a list of common browsers:
    • Google Chrome
    • Mozilla Firefox
    • Microsoft Edge
    • Safari
    • Opera
  • Creating Browser Profiles: Most modern browsers allow you to create multiple profiles. Each profile operates as a separate user environment, maintaining its own cookies, bookmarks, and login sessions. This method is particularly useful if you prefer to use the same browser for all your accounts. Follow these steps to create profiles:
    • Google Chrome: Go to the Chrome menu (three dots in the upper right corner) > Settings > You and Google > Add Person. Create a new profile and sign in to your second Fiverr account.
    • Mozilla Firefox: Type "about:profiles" in the address bar and press Enter. Click "Create a New Profile" and follow the prompts to set up a new profile.
    • Microsoft Edge: Click the user icon in the top-right corner > Manage Profile Settings > Add Profile. Set up your new profile and log in to your second account.
  • Using Incognito or Private Mode: While not ideal for long-term management, using incognito or private browsing modes can help when you need to temporarily access a second account. These modes do not save cookies or session data after the browser is closed, making them suitable for quick logins.

Here is a summary table of methods for managing multiple Fiverr accounts:

Method Description
Different Browsers Use separate browsers to keep each account’s session independent.
Browser Profiles Create separate profiles within the same browser to manage multiple accounts.
Incognito/Private Mode Access a second account temporarily without saving session data.

By utilizing these methods, you can efficiently manage multiple Fiverr accounts without interference, ensuring a smooth workflow and clear separation between different profiles.

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Managing and Switching Between Accounts Efficiently

Effectively managing and switching between multiple Fiverr accounts requires a structured approach to ensure smooth operations and avoid confusion. Here’s how to manage and switch between accounts efficiently:

  • Organize Your Workflow: Keeping your workflow organized is key to managing multiple accounts. Use separate folders or bookmarks for each Fiverr account. Clearly label each folder with the account name or purpose to easily identify which account you’re working with.
  • Use Task Management Tools: Tools like Trello, Asana, or Todoist can help you track tasks and deadlines for each account. Create separate boards or projects for each account to manage your gigs, client communications, and deadlines effectively.
  • Implement Account-Specific Password Managers: Utilize password managers like LastPass, 1Password, or Dashlane to store login credentials for each account securely. This prevents the need to remember multiple passwords and reduces the risk of using the wrong account.
  • Set Up Notifications: Customize notifications for each account to stay informed about important updates, such as new messages, gig orders, or account alerts. Ensure that notifications are set up in a way that prevents overlapping or missing crucial information.
  • Use Separate Browsers or Profiles: As previously mentioned, using different browsers or profiles helps maintain clear separation between accounts. Ensure that you are logged into the correct browser or profile for each task to avoid confusion.
  • Schedule Regular Reviews: Regularly review the performance and status of each account. Check for any pending tasks, client messages, or updates that need attention. Scheduling dedicated times for each account can help maintain consistency and prevent oversights.

Here is a summary table of best practices for managing and switching between multiple Fiverr accounts:

Practice Description
Organize Workflow Use separate folders or bookmarks for each account.
Task Management Tools Track tasks and deadlines with tools like Trello or Asana.
Password Managers Store and manage account passwords securely.
Notifications Customize notifications to stay updated on each account.
Separate Browsers/Profiles Use different browsers or profiles to avoid confusion.
Regular Reviews Schedule regular checks for account performance and updates.

By following these practices, you can efficiently manage and switch between multiple Fiverr accounts, ensuring that you stay organized and responsive to client needs across all accounts.

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Maintaining Compliance and Avoiding Violations

When managing multiple Fiverr accounts, it is crucial to adhere to Fiverr’s policies to avoid potential violations and penalties. Here’s how to maintain compliance and ensure you’re operating within Fiverr’s guidelines:

  • Understand Fiverr’s Terms of Service: Familiarize yourself with Fiverr’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines. Ensure you understand the rules related to multiple accounts, including any restrictions and acceptable practices.
  • Disclose Multiple Accounts: If you operate more than one account, disclose this information to Fiverr’s support team. Transparency helps prevent misunderstandings and shows that you are acting in good faith. Contact Fiverr support through their support page to inform them of your multiple accounts.
  • Avoid Conflict of Interest: Ensure that the services provided through each account do not overlap or create a conflict of interest. Each account should operate in a distinct niche or market to avoid issues related to unfair competition or duplication of services.
  • Separate Account Activities: Keep all activities, including communication, gig management, and financial transactions, separate between accounts. Avoid using one account to influence or manipulate the performance of the other, as this can lead to penalties.
  • Regularly Monitor Account Activities: Regularly check the performance and activities of each account to ensure compliance with Fiverr’s policies. Address any issues or discrepancies promptly to avoid potential violations.
  • Respond to Warnings or Inquiries: If Fiverr issues warnings or inquires about your account activities, respond promptly and address any concerns raised. Ignoring warnings or failing to resolve issues can result in account suspension or other penalties.

Here is a summary table of best practices for maintaining compliance with Fiverr’s policies:

Practice Description
Understand Terms of Service Familiarize yourself with Fiverr’s rules and guidelines.
Disclose Multiple Accounts Inform Fiverr support of any multiple accounts.
Avoid Conflict of Interest Ensure accounts do not overlap or create conflicts.
Separate Account Activities Keep activities, communication, and transactions distinct.
Monitor Account Activities Regularly check for compliance and address issues.
Respond to Warnings Address any warnings or inquiries from Fiverr promptly.

By following these guidelines, you can maintain compliance with Fiverr’s policies and avoid potential violations, ensuring a smooth and professional experience managing multiple accounts.

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Common Issues and Troubleshooting Tips

Managing multiple Fiverr accounts can sometimes lead to various issues. Understanding common problems and knowing how to troubleshoot them can help ensure smooth operation. Here’s a guide to common issues and how to address them:

  • Login Conflicts: Sometimes, you may face issues logging into one of your accounts if you’re using the same browser or profile for both. To resolve this:
    • Use Separate Browsers: Use different browsers for each account to avoid conflicts.
    • Clear Browser Cache: Clear cookies and cache regularly to prevent login issues.
  • Account Suspension or Warnings: If one of your accounts is suspended or you receive warnings, it may be due to a policy violation. To handle this:
    • Review Fiverr’s Guidelines: Ensure you are in compliance with Fiverr’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.
    • Contact Support: Reach out to Fiverr’s support team to understand the reason and rectify any issues.
  • Duplicate Content or Overlapping Gigs: Having similar gigs across accounts can lead to confusion or policy violations. To address this:
    • Distinct Gigs: Ensure that each account offers unique services or has distinct gig descriptions.
    • Regular Updates: Regularly update your gigs to ensure they remain relevant and non-overlapping.
  • Performance Issues: If you notice that one of your accounts is underperforming, investigate the cause:
    • Optimize Gigs: Review and optimize your gig titles, descriptions, and images to improve visibility.
    • Review Analytics: Use Fiverr’s analytics tools to identify areas for improvement.

Here is a summary table of common issues and troubleshooting tips:

Issue Solution
Login Conflicts Use separate browsers or clear browser cache to resolve conflicts.
Account Suspension Review guidelines and contact Fiverr support for resolution.
Duplicate Content Ensure each account has distinct gigs and services.
Performance Issues Optimize gig details and review analytics for improvements.

By addressing these common issues promptly and following the troubleshooting tips, you can effectively manage multiple Fiverr accounts and maintain a smooth freelancing experience.

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Here are some frequently asked questions about managing multiple Fiverr accounts:

1. Can I have more than one Fiverr account?

Fiverr's policy generally allows only one account per person. However, if you need multiple accounts for legitimate reasons, such as offering different types of services, you must disclose this to Fiverr’s support team to ensure compliance with their terms.

2. How can I create a second Fiverr account?

To create a second Fiverr account, you need a unique email address. Register for a new account using this email, complete the profile setup, and verify the new account. Ensure that you follow Fiverr’s guidelines for managing multiple accounts.

3. What should I do if I accidentally mix up accounts?

If you accidentally mix up accounts, clear your browser’s cookies and cache or switch to a different browser or profile. Make sure to log in to the correct account and review your activities to correct any errors.

4. How can I avoid conflicts between multiple Fiverr accounts?

To avoid conflicts, use different browsers or browser profiles for each account. Ensure that the services offered through each account are distinct to prevent overlapping or creating a conflict of interest.

5. What should I do if one of my accounts gets suspended?

If one of your accounts is suspended, review Fiverr’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines to understand the reason. Contact Fiverr support to resolve the issue and clarify any misunderstandings.

6. Can I use incognito mode to manage multiple accounts?

Incognito or private browsing mode can be used to temporarily access different accounts, but it’s not ideal for long-term management. For better organization, use separate browsers or profiles for each account.

7. How do I ensure compliance with Fiverr’s policies?

Regularly review Fiverr’s policies, disclose multiple accounts if applicable, avoid conflicts of interest, and manage activities separately. Respond promptly to any warnings or inquiries from Fiverr to maintain compliance.


Managing multiple Fiverr accounts can offer significant advantages, such as the ability to target different markets or manage various services more effectively. However, it is essential to approach this with a clear understanding of Fiverr’s policies and best practices to ensure smooth operation and avoid potential issues.

By adhering to Fiverr’s guidelines, such as using separate browsers or profiles, clearly disclosing multiple accounts, and keeping account activities distinct, you can effectively manage and switch between accounts while maintaining compliance. Regular monitoring and prompt resolution of any issues will help you maintain a positive experience on the platform.

Remember to regularly review Fiverr’s Terms of Service and Community Guidelines to stay updated on any changes that may affect your account management practices. With proper organization and adherence to these practices, you can maximize the benefits of having multiple Fiverr accounts and enhance your freelancing career.

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Zeshan Abdullah

Asian, Father, Level 2 seller on Fiverr with more than 8 years experience in writing and developing custom solutions. Love to help #NewFreelancers.

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